Unmute Presents Jaws Tips, selections in explorer

Join Marci in this episode where she walks you through advanced techniques for efficiently selecting items in a list view using JAWS, the screen reader for Windows. By mastering functions like selecting all items with control A, choosing contiguous items with the shift key, and opting for non-contiguous selection with control and space bar, users can enhance their productivity and independence. These skills enable seamless navigation and management of digital content, ultimately leading to a more proficient and empowering user experience with JAWS. Contact us at [email protected] for any questions or comments.

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00:02.640 –> 00:06.874
Here’s Marcy with today’s Jaws tip. Unmute be heard.

00:10.934 –> 00:41.902
Hello, this is Marcie with another Jaws tip for you to help you take a piece of the Jaws pie and become productive, independent and efficient with the most powerful screen reader for Microsoft Windows today, what I’m going to teach you is how to select items in a list view. I’ll teach you how to select all of the items in the list view. I’ll teach you how to select contiguous items or items that are right next to each other in the list view, and I’ll teach you to select non contiguous items in that list view.

00:42.078 –> 00:48.230
My list view is called selection Zoom selection selection items view, and I’ll introduce.

00:48.262 –> 00:59.660
You to the items in selection. I have folder A, B, C, and D, so I’ll press home and I’ll fold b two so there’s folder B. Folder A is above it.

00:59.692 –> 01:01.364
Folder A one a five fold b.

01:01.404 –> 01:08.292
Two a five folder b folder C three folder D. Folder E. So I.

01:08.308 –> 01:11.148
Have folders a through e. Please remember.

01:11.196 –> 01:20.792
That when you select a folder and copy it or move it to another location, everything in that folder comes with it.

01:20.988 –> 01:30.184
So let’s select first everything in the list view. So to select everything in the list view, we press Ctrl A alpha selected.

01:30.264 –> 01:33.808
Folder a zero 40 524 so there it is.

01:33.976 –> 01:40.504
Everything is selected. To read what is selected. To have Jaws read it, you press.

01:40.544 –> 02:00.448
Jaws key shift down arrow folder a 0405-2423 05:00 p.m. File Folder Folder B 040524 230 04:00 p.m. File Folder folder C 0405-2423 04:00 p.m. File Folder Folder D 0405-2432 07:00 p.m. File Folder folder E 0405-2432 07:00 p.m.

02:00.496 –> 02:03.648
File folder so then you know what.

02:03.736 –> 02:17.568
Exactly you have selected. To take selection away from any of these items or from all of these items, I just have to move any arrow key and this is the same with selected text. So I’ll press up arrow folder D.

02:17.616 –> 02:18.922
Four or five, and I’ll go all.

02:18.938 –> 02:20.570
The way up to folder A. Folder.

02:20.602 –> 02:23.562
A, one to five, and I’ll teach contiguous selection.

02:23.658 –> 02:33.466
So I want to select folder A, B, and C. So I’ll press the shift key on folder a. Pressing the down arrow selects folder B.

02:33.570 –> 02:35.962
Folder B two five selected folder B.

02:36.058 –> 02:38.738
Pressing the down arrow selects folder C.

02:38.866 –> 02:42.890
Selected folder C. So now these folders.

02:42.922 –> 02:57.012
Are selected and I can copy them or cut them or do what I need to do with these folders. For these list view items again, to read the selected text, I’ll press Jaws key plus shift plus down arrow.

02:57.148 –> 03:07.044
Folder a 0405-2423 05:00 p.m. File Folder folder B 040524 230 04:00 p.m. File Folder Folder C 0405-2423 04:00 p.m.

03:07.084 –> 03:09.420
File Folder so again, I’m going to.

03:09.452 –> 03:12.940
Use my up arrow and go back up to folder A. Folder B. Folder.

03:12.972 –> 03:13.788
A one to five.

03:13.876 –> 03:32.606
Now I’m going to select non contiguously where I’m going to skip folders B and D and select only folders A, C, and E. So on. Folder A, I’ll press the control key. I’ll continue to keep my control key held down. Use my down arrow to go past.

03:32.670 –> 03:34.886
Folder B, not selected folder B two.

03:34.910 –> 03:36.654
Of five I’m still holding my control.

03:36.734 –> 03:38.734
Key and I press the down arrow.

03:38.774 –> 03:40.822
Again, not selected folder C, three of.

03:40.838 –> 03:45.534
Five and I do want to include folder C in my selection. So still holding my control key.

03:45.574 –> 03:47.594
I’ll press the spacebar selected.

03:48.044 –> 03:49.812
So then I will use my down.

03:49.868 –> 03:57.204
Arrow not selected folder D four five skip folder D not selected folder E five a five and press spacebar.

03:57.284 –> 04:06.020
So I was holding my control key the whole time. Now let’s see what’s selected again. It’s Jaws Key shift down Arrow Folder.

04:06.052 –> 04:15.724
A 040524 230 05:00 p.m. File Folder Folder C 0405-2423 04:00 p.m. File Folder Folder E 0405-2432 07:00 p.m.

04:15.764 –> 04:18.173
File folder and that is how you.

04:18.213 –> 04:31.069
Select contiguous, non contiguous, and all of the items in a list view. So take a piece of the jaws pie and become productive, independent and efficient with jaws.

04:31.181 –> 04:32.013

04:32.133 –> 04:37.833
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04:42.884 –> 04:55.764
Thanks for listening to Jaws tips with Marcy. The music used in this production was brought to you by Andre Louis and his shorts collection Unmute be heard.