#iACast 80 – Braille Talk

On this episode of the #iACast, Michael, Aleeha, Chelsea and Scott discuss the applications of Braille in their lives. Before we got to the main topic, we discussed the recent news that Sprint and T-Mobile will be merging pending DOJ approval. During our discussion of Braille, we discussed several resources, including iAccessibility’s own PocketBraille app for iOS, which will soon be receiving a major update to include Braille contractions. We also discuss the Hadley Braille course, offered by the Hadley School for the Blind, the National Reading Media Assessment for students, and our training program, which offers courses in Braille. We also discussed the transition to UEB, and how it is important to keep one’s skills up. Some of the Braille displays mentioned in this episode were the Focus 40, Braile Edge, Brailliant BI 32, Orbit Reader 20, and NeoBraille. here are our picks for the week. Aleeha: Woven Words Scott: Weather Informant Chelsea: Math Robot Michael: Glitch Dash Don’t forget to send any comments to feedback@iaccessibility.net or to our Twitter @iaccessibility1.

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