Unmute Presents All Things Lady A – Episode on Alexa Games

Show Notes for All Things Lady A – Episode on Alexa Games

Welcome to this fun-filled episode of All Things Lady A, where we delve into the entertaining world of games you can play with your Amazon Alexa devices. From word puzzles to brain teasers, join us as we explore some of the most engaging games available, showcasing the versatility and fun your Lady A devices can bring into your home.

Date: 8 Feb, 2024

Episode Highlights:

  • Introduction to Alexa Games:
    Kick off the episode with an overview of the myriad games available for play on Alexa devices. Discover how easy it is to turn your device into a source of endless entertainment.

  • Community Calls on ACB:
    Learn about the community calls hosted on the ACB community platform, where participants explore new games every second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. Eastern. A perfect opportunity for listeners to request games or discover new ones.

  • Featured Games:
    1. Grand Slam Word Game:
    Dive into the anagram-solving world of the Grand Slam Word Game with our host. Experience the challenge of ranking up from an anagram trainee to an enthusiast, with categories ranging from “in the bathroom” to “on a hike.”

  1. Word Chain:
    Engage in a fast-paced word association game where you match wits against Alexa. Choose from categories like countries, capitals, animals, fruits, and vegetables, and see how long you can keep the chain going.

  2. Word Tennis:
    Enjoy a verbal volley with Word Tennis, where the challenge is to keep the rally going in categories selected by Alexa. Test your quick thinking and broad knowledge base in a competitive or cooperative mode.

  • Gameplay Tips and Tricks:
    Share insights on strategies for success in these games, including how to handle pressure and think on your feet. Plus, learn how to access hint packs and navigate through challenging rounds.

  • Listener Engagement:
    Encourage listeners to join the ACB community calls for a live gaming experience and to share their favorite Alexa games. Invite feedback and suggestions for future episodes through email at feedback@unmute.show.

  • Closing Thoughts:
    Reflect on the fun and challenges of today’s featured games and tease the next episode’s content. Remind listeners of the weekly tech Q&A sessions hosted by Michael Babcock, Marty Sobo, and the team, where all technology questions are welcome.

Contact Information:

  • Feedback: feedback@unmute.show
  • Community Calls: Join us live on ACB Media 5 or via Clubhouse. Visit ACB Community for details on joining via Zoom.

Join us again next month for more exciting explorations into the world of Alexa and beyond. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just looking for new ways to engage with your Alexa device, there’s something for everyone. Until next time, keep playing and exploring the possibilities with your Lady A devices!

Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/unmute-presents-on-acb-communi/ef7abb31-eb61-4647-b06c-a028c11c5314

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00:04.490 –> 01:30.460
Hello everyone, and welcome to all things Lady A, where we talk about things you can do with your Amazon Alexa devices. So today I thought we would just do a few fun things and check out a few games that you can play. There are just tons of games that you can do with your lady aid devices. And I do have a community call on the ACB community platform where you can check out all different types of games. And I do this the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 02:00 p.m.. Eastern. And we have a blast. And we check out new games every time that people either request or I find. And so you can join that if you want to find out more games. But today I thought we would play just a few word games that I find fun. So the first one, actually, I have not played this one before. This is called grand slam word game. So let’s just check this out. Ziggy open grand slam word game.

01:30.990 –> 01:35.130
Okay, here’s grand slam word game opening. Gramslam.

01:38.670 –> 01:55.490
Hello and welcome to Gramslam. My name is Graham Ward and I will be your host and guide. Ready to solve some anagrams? Then let’s get started. Which mode do you wish to play? Single player mode or two player or daily bonus?

01:56.310 –> 01:57.570
Single player.

01:57.990 –> 02:15.094
Okay, I am preparing a new single player game. Your current rank is anagram trainee. Rank up to anagram enthusiast by completing round ten. Here is round one. Your category is in the bathroom and the length of the word is three letters long.

02:15.212 –> 02:19.466
Your letters are T-B-U.

02:19.648 –> 02:24.170
You have two life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

02:25.070 –> 02:25.930

02:27.390 –> 02:30.960
Do you want to submit tub as your answer?

02:31.730 –> 02:32.480

02:35.570 –> 02:54.050
You make it look easy. Here comes round two. Your category is in the office and the length of the word is three letters long. Your letters are P-N-E. You have two life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

02:54.970 –> 02:55.720

02:56.970 –> 03:00.680
Do you want to submit pen as your answer?

03:01.130 –> 03:01.880

03:04.890 –> 03:22.702
Awesome job. Keep it up. Starting round three, a quick tip. If you get stuck, you can always pass by spending one life. Of course, I will tell you the answer if you do. Your category is in the bathroom and the length of the word is four letters long.

03:22.836 –> 03:28.206
Your letters are C-B-M-O.

03:28.388 –> 03:32.990
You have two life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

03:33.910 –> 03:34.930

03:35.990 –> 03:39.540
Do you want to submit comb as your answer?

03:40.230 –> 03:40.980

03:44.070 –> 03:52.582
Way to go. Moving on to round four. Your category is animal and the length of the word is four letters long.

03:52.716 –> 03:57.960
Your letters are T-A-D-O.

03:58.270 –> 04:02.810
You have two life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

04:05.710 –> 04:06.650

04:07.710 –> 04:11.280
Do you want to submit toad as your answer?

04:11.890 –> 04:12.640

04:15.810 –> 04:45.830
Great work. Here is round five. How about a mini challenge round? Can you guess the answer with one letter missing? Your category is at the movie and the length of the word is five letters long. Your letters are K-C-N-S. You have two life remaining. If you know the word, tell me the answer or tell me how many letters you want to reveal.

04:46.810 –> 04:47.750

04:49.150 –> 04:52.940
Do you want to submit snack as your answer?

04:53.390 –> 04:54.140

04:57.150 –> 05:13.442
Truly impressive. Here comes round six. You earn two life for completing five rounds. Quite good. I should start giving you harder words. Your category is on a hike and the length of the word is four letters long.

05:13.576 –> 05:18.740
Your letters are D-I-R-B.

05:19.190 –> 05:23.730
You have four life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

05:25.210 –> 05:26.070

05:27.050 –> 05:30.646
Do you want to submit bird as your answer?

05:30.828 –> 05:32.040
Yeah. Yes.

05:35.130 –> 06:00.110
Great job. Welcome to round seven. Another tip. Your progress is automatically saved and your game can be resumed at any time. Your category is camping and the length of the word is four letters long. Your letters are P-R-A-T. You have four life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

06:00.850 –> 06:01.870

06:02.390 –> 06:05.940
Do you want to submit tarp as your answer?

06:06.790 –> 06:07.540

06:10.550 –> 06:19.814
You are a master at this. Here is round eight. Your category is in the kitchen and the length of the word is five letters long.

06:19.932 –> 06:26.360
Your letters are L-E-T-P-A.

06:26.730 –> 06:37.740
You have four life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram? Remember, if you don’t know the answer, you can spend one life and pass.

06:38.510 –> 06:39.530

06:39.970 –> 06:48.142
Okay, I’ll say that again. Your category is in the kitchen and the length of the word is five letters long.

06:48.276 –> 06:54.720
Your letters are L-E-T-P-A.

06:55.030 –> 06:59.890
You have four life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

07:04.070 –> 07:05.010

07:06.250 –> 07:09.880
Do you want to submit pedal as your answer?

07:10.570 –> 07:11.320

07:11.690 –> 07:20.714
Pedal is not the answer. You lose one life. Your category is in the kitchen and the length of the word is five letters long.

07:20.832 –> 07:27.354
Your letters are L-E-T-P-A.

07:27.552 –> 07:32.110
You have three life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

07:33.730 –> 07:35.806
Palette. No.

07:35.908 –> 07:39.600
Do you want to submit pallet as your answer?

07:40.850 –> 07:41.600

07:42.450 –> 07:51.490
Pallet is not the answer. You lose one life. Your category is in the kitchen and the length of the word is five letters long.

07:51.640 –> 07:58.200
Your letters are L-E-T-P-A.

07:58.730 –> 08:03.510
You have two life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

08:03.930 –> 08:05.190
Give me a hint.

08:06.570 –> 08:08.230
You don’t have a hint to use.

08:08.300 –> 08:08.782

08:08.866 –> 08:14.314
Your category is in the kitchen and the length of the word is five letters long.

08:14.432 –> 08:21.006
Your letters are L-E-T-P-A.

08:21.188 –> 08:33.780
You have two life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram? Remember, if you don’t know the answer you can spend one life and pass.

08:35.590 –> 08:36.834
I don’t know.

08:37.032 –> 08:45.230
If you don’t know the answer, you can move on to another word by saying pass. However, if you pass, you will lose one life.

08:45.400 –> 08:46.120

08:46.650 –> 08:54.982
Okay, let’s pass this one. No shame in that. The answer was plate. Let’s try another. Moving on to round eight.

08:55.036 –> 08:55.734
Believe I couldn’t get.

08:55.772 –> 09:12.990
Your category is on the farm. And the length of the word is five letters long. Your letters are. P-S-H-E-E. You have one life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

09:13.570 –> 09:14.510

09:15.330 –> 09:18.960
Do you want to submit sheep as your answer?

09:19.410 –> 09:20.160

09:23.270 –> 09:44.150
Truly impressive. Welcome to round nine. Your category is camping, and the length of the word is five letters long. Your letters are. E-N-A-O-C. You have one life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

09:44.650 –> 09:45.670

09:46.970 –> 09:50.620
Do you want to submit canoe as your answer?

09:51.150 –> 09:51.900

09:54.830 –> 09:59.660
That question didn’t stand a chance against you. Welcome to round ten.

10:01.070 –> 10:01.634

10:01.702 –> 10:11.742
All right, here comes a challenge round. Your category is vegetables, and the length of the word is seven letters long. Your letters are.

10:11.876 –> 10:19.300

10:19.670 –> 10:24.130
You have one life remaining. What is the answer to this anagram?

10:24.890 –> 10:25.830

10:26.730 –> 10:30.520
Do you want to submit cabbage as your answer?

10:31.050 –> 10:31.800

10:34.970 –> 10:41.462
You are a master at this. Welcome to round eleven. You earn two life for completing five rounds.

10:41.526 –> 10:43.500
Ziggy, stop.

10:43.870 –> 10:48.700
Sorry. I’m having trouble accessing your gram slam word game skill right now.

10:50.270 –> 11:37.530
Okay, well, you certainly get the idea of that one. That’s kind of fun. And as they go on, they get harder. So I don’t know why I couldn’t get that word plate. Oh my gosh. I can’t believe it. Anyway, okay, so the next one is called word chain. And first you choose a category, and then how many players? Or you can play against Lady A. And then she will say a word in the category. And you have to say a word beginning with the last letter of her word. Oh boy. Okay, so let’s give this a try. Ziggy, open word chain.

11:38.270 –> 11:47.710
Let’s play word chain to start, please. First choose one of the available categories. Countries, capitals, animals, fruits and vegetables.

11:48.450 –> 11:50.030
Fruits and vegetables.

11:50.530 –> 11:55.246
The two of us can play the game. Are there others around you that will also join?

11:55.438 –> 11:56.180

11:57.030 –> 12:04.610
There are two modes of this game. Cooperative and competitive. Please select one by saying cooperative or competitive.

12:05.130 –> 12:06.150

12:06.970 –> 12:21.000
Alright. I will start by saying juniper berry. It’s your turn. Say a word starting with yam. Last word was juniper berry. Say a word starting with.

12:23.710 –> 12:25.050
Yellow apple.

12:25.550 –> 12:53.980
Spot on. I am next. I will say edamame. You are next. Say a word starting with eggplant. Okay, I am next. I will say tropical pumpkin. You are next. Say a word starting with n. Say a word starting with n.

12:57.170 –> 12:58.350
New apple.

12:59.010 –> 13:05.520
Sorry, but what I heard. New apple is not a fruit or a vegetable that I know of. Please try again.

13:10.530 –> 13:11.306
Oh, I can’t.

13:11.338 –> 13:12.880
Say a word starting with.

13:15.590 –> 13:16.610

13:17.190 –> 13:31.030
Sorry, but what I heard. Nana is not a fruit or a vegetable that I know of. Please try again. Say a word starting with n.

13:33.240 –> 13:34.436
I don’t know.

13:34.618 –> 13:42.036
Every ten games you are eligible for a free hint pack. You’ve just received yours. Do you want to use one of your three hints?

13:42.228 –> 13:43.064

13:43.262 –> 14:13.990
Here are two words that start with naranhiyo and nasturtium. Now let’s continue. Say a word starting with N. Nasturtium. Alright, I will say mustard greens. Say a word starting with s. Squash. Great. Hanover salad. Say a word starting with D. Say a word starting with D.

14:16.760 –> 14:18.180

14:18.840 –> 14:21.140
Do you want to use one of your two hints?

14:21.560 –> 14:22.310

14:23.160 –> 14:51.150
Here are two words that start with D. Dill and dragon fruit. Now let’s continue. Say a word starting with D. Dragon fruit. Nice. Topanambor. Say a word starting with R. Radish. I will say abanero. Say a word starting with o. Onion. New Zealand spinach. Say a word starting with h.

14:54.480 –> 14:55.390
How many?

14:56.000 –> 15:00.092
You have one hints. Last word was New Zealand spinach.

15:00.156 –> 15:00.704
That’s not fair.

15:00.742 –> 15:06.832
Say a word starting with h. How many? You have one hint.

15:06.896 –> 15:07.492
Oh, come on.

15:07.546 –> 15:16.868
Last word was New Zealand spinach. Say a word starting with h. Hint. Do you want to use your last hint?

15:17.044 –> 15:17.770

15:18.540 –> 15:51.872
Here are two words that start with H. Honeydew and huckleberry. Now let’s continue. Say a word starting with H. Honeydew. Good. Water. Celery. Say a word starting with y. Yam. Miracle fruit. Say a word starting with t. Say a word starting with t. Give me a hint. You don’t have any hints left?

15:51.926 –> 15:52.432
Oh, no.

15:52.486 –> 15:54.004
Would you like to buy more?

15:54.202 –> 15:54.950

15:56.120 –> 16:05.110
Okay, no hints for now. Got it. Last word was miracle fruit. Say a word starting with t. Stop.

16:06.780 –> 16:47.140
All right, so you get the idea of that one. Oh, my goodness. It’s hard to think when you’re under pressure like that. And the next one that we’ll do is similar to that. It is called word tennis. And she’ll ask you how many players there are and then you say words back and forth in the category she chooses so you don’t have to use the last letter of the word before or. Yeah, so this is a little bit easier. Okay. Ziggy. Open word tennis.

16:50.360 –> 16:54.310
Welcome back to word tennis. How many players do we have today?

16:54.760 –> 16:55.510

16:57.240 –> 17:22.640
Let’s get a single player rally started. Say as many words in the category capitals as you can. Do not say the same word twice or say a word I have already said. If I make an incorrect decision, you can say Alexa challenge that. Let’s see if we can get a good rally going and set a high score for capitals. I will serve first. Beijing.

17:24.420 –> 17:25.440

17:25.860 –> 17:28.272
That didn’t sound like a capitals from my list.

17:28.326 –> 17:29.292
Oh, I have to do countries.

17:29.356 –> 17:32.130
Good going. Shoot, you got a rally of one.

17:32.580 –> 17:33.516
Oh, no.

17:33.638 –> 17:36.580
Just say play again to try and beat your score.

17:37.160 –> 17:38.230
Play again.

17:41.160 –> 19:32.312
Let’s get a single player rally going. The category is countries. Your high score for this category is eleven. I will serve first. United Arab Emirates United States Guinea Mexico Malta. Italy Gambia Canada Maldives China. Japan France Syria Belgium Benin Chile Wales. Ireland Zambia Russia Angola Argentina Lesotho Peru Vietnam Ecuador Somalia England Madagascar Finland Poland Scotland Guatemala Germany Burma Austria El Salvador Poland Poland has already been said.

19:32.366 –> 19:33.060
Oh, shoot.

19:33.140 –> 19:50.780
Cool as a cucumber. You got a rally of 37. That’s a new high score for this category. Just say play again to try and beat your high score.

19:51.220 –> 19:51.970

19:52.340 –> 19:57.840
Cheerio. Thanks for playing. You’re a five star word tennis legend.

19:59.380 –> 21:38.370
Okay, so that one’s kind of fun. And you don’t get to pick the category. Obviously, on that one, she will pick it for you. And sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s not. So anyway, oh, my gosh. There are just tons of games that you can play, and if you want to find out what kinds of games that you can play in a certain category, you can just say lady a, what word games do you have available? Or what trivia games or what quiz games? And she will give you a list and she’ll say, do you want that one or do you want others? And if you don’t want to play the one that she says, just say no and she’ll give you other options. Okay, that’s all we have for today. Just hope you had fun playing those games. I am not very good with games, but I sure do enjoy playing them. So just remember, there are lots and lots of games that you can play with your lady a. So we will be back next month, or shall I say, I will be back next month. And if you have any feedback that you want to submit, just send an email to feedback at unmute show and you can give me suggestions on what you might want to have me talk about, or just give me general feedback on what you’ve heard. So until next time, everybody. Have a great month. You.

21:42.580 –> 22:10.030
Every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time, myself, Michael Babcock and Marty Sobo go live on ACB community to answer your technology questions. How do you join in? Couple always use Alexa, your computer or the new ACB link app to listen to ACB Media Five. You can also join in in clubhouse or visit ACB community to learn how to join us live in Zoom every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.. Pacific. And we’ll see you there with your tech questions.