Unmute Presents Community Replay for 9 April

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This has been an ACB Community Call.

Today’s Unmute Presents Community Call was hosted on Tuesday, 9 April, 2024.

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Unmute.

As usual, we’ve got a couple of announcements here at the top.

I want to remind everyone we’re going to go through all first questions.

And if we get through everybody, then we’ll take a second question.

So if you have tech questions, go ahead and raise your hands and we’ll get to you just here in a few minutes.

Also, I wanted to remind everyone that Mac Bytes with Bits is tonight at 8 Eastern.

So you can go to their website to check all that out or check the daily immunity email that went out today.

Also I wanted to remind everyone that we’re doing the Introduction to Jaws in Club Unmute.

So check that out and you can check that out.

And all the details at unmute.show is the website.

And if you have any questions or comments, anything else that you can think of, you can reach out to us at feedback@unmute.show.

The question of the day today is what do you wish your screen reader would do that it isn’t currently doing?

And you can be creative.

I wish my screen reader would go make me a cup of coffee and bring it to me.

So with that being said, Michael, how are you?

We’re getting there with AI, aren’t we?

We are.

So I’m doing great, Marty.

I think that the first thing that I’ll mention is Club Unmute members this afternoon are going to receive a three minute audio going over the keystrokes document we sent you last week.

Yesterday, technically working listeners received a podcast where Damacy and I, of course, sat down and talked about what we’re doing in the current programs we have, our audio setups, and also chatted about live streaming to YouTube because we finally got that up and working as well.

On Sunday, Digital Bites published and we talked about the Black Ink Crosswords puzzle, managing your iOS storage and new laptops with tactile dots.

On Friday, we started publishing Jaws Tips.

Thanks to Marcy for that.

And Friday’s episode was “decrease and increase Jaws speech rate during Say All.”

On Thursday, @YourFingerTips with Chris published a content about Braille business cards, Post-it notes and some other information that you’ll want to check out.

And then of course we have the Shell Phone Show and Tuesday’s replay call.

So that’s what we have right now, Sheila.

Do we have any hands?

We do.

Area code 417, ending in 192.

Can you unmute and tell us who you are, please?

Hi, guys.

This is Brittany from Missouri.

Hi, Brittany.


I have a question today regarding Find My Friends on the iOS devices.

My father-in-law has a brain injury and he’s, I think, almost 70.

And we have been wanting to use Find My Friends for a couple of years now.

And every time we implement it, he gets to the part where he’s going through his text messages and he deletes it because, you know, I’m in Missouri, he’s in Iowa, you know, it’s not necessary to keep on his messages.

And then the next thing you know, we can’t track him any longer.

So I know there’s a way because I have other people that in my family and our networks that we track that we don’t necessarily have messages with.

And I just can’t figure out how to do it.

So I was reaching out for help.


So I’ll take this one on Brittany.

If you can get on to your father-in-law’s phone, is that a possibility?

Do you have access to the phone itself?


I don’t know if I’m, like I said, I’m in Missouri, he’s in Iowa, but somebody can get on to it.

So yeah.

So if you can go into the phone itself, open the Find My Application, there’s an add button that you would tap on and they find my application.

I’m looking at it right here.

And when you tap on that, it’ll ask you to enter the phone number, pick a contact or email address of who you want to share it with.

And when you do that, it doesn’t necessarily, I believe it will send a message for the person to confirm, but once you confirm, you can go into your Find My Application and then tap on the people app icon in the bottom left-hand corner.

And the lower middle half of the screen will give you a list of the people that you are following with their current location and the last time that it was updated.



So keeping track of the whole message thing, you know, it wouldn’t be bypass, correct?


If you had a message, it would still be in your Find My App.


Thank you so much, Michael.

That truly helps a lot.

No worries.

Thanks a lot, baby.

Take care.


Hey, Janet.

You’re still muted, Janet.

I got a junk call and I was trying to get rid of it when you called my name.

I wish my screen reader would bring me a beer and make me lunch.


Well, thanks for that and appreciate it, Janet.



Hey, Teresa.

This won’t be as hilarious as the other two, but I wish the screen reader could tell you if you held up an object that we could tell you what it is, what color something is, what denomination and money you’re holding.

I know the FSA 5 does all that, but if you have a job screen reader, I wish you could do that.

Maybe try playing with Be My Eyes, the new version.

It’s pretty good when the AI section identifies a lot of stuff for you.

It’s pretty good, actually.

Oh, it does?


I have to check that out.

There’s a new AI tab.

So if you check that and then you point your camera at something with that app open, and once you open up the AI section, you take a picture of something or you can point it, like, for example, like in a room, if you stand at a doorway in a room you’ve never been in, and it will do the best that it can to identify all the things that are in that room or on a table or it’ll identify something in a picture for you.

It’s really cool.

You should try it.

But Teresa, thank you for that suggestion because that is a good piece of feedback for screen reader manufacturers, is you’d like object recognition built into it.



Now I’m not undermining the hilarious answers that the other two people asked.

No but it’s a practical thing, so we appreciate that, Teresa.

Did you have a question today?

On my iPod touch, yesterday I was trying to use the OneTap mobile to get onto a Zoom call.

Not the approached one, but just another one.

And it got stuck and it didn’t do anything.

It didn’t move, it didn’t put me in exit out, it just got stuck.

So I think I know what’s going on.

If I understand correctly, you tried to use the OneTouch dialing on your iPod Touch to join a Zoom call.

Is that correct?

That is correct.

So the iPod Touch doesn’t have the ability to actually make phone calls, it’s just a Wi-Fi device.

So you would have to have used the Zoom link to join the Zoom call and not the OneTouch dialing.

And that’s why it just got stuck and didn’t do anything because it couldn’t make a phone call, which is what you were asking it to do.


Okay, now how do I get unstuck?

So if it’s still stuck?

I was trying to go through the email, you know, I saw the call listed in the email of Cindy’s and Adele’s and Belinda’s, you know, when one of them does the daily schedule.

I was trying to get out of that, so I just checked out their email and that’s where it quote unquote got stuck.


So in that case, what I would do is double press the home button.

So press the home button twice.

That’ll take you to the app switcher, find the mail icon and flick up to dismiss and that would close the mail app and then you can reopen mail.


Sometimes it’d be helpful to restart the device as well.

I thought about that too.


So there you go, Trisa.

Thanks a lot for your input today.

Okay, thank you.


Who do we got next?

I know that sounds very elementary to say that but that’s how it was able to.

No worries.

Well, thanks for your feedback there.

You’re welcome.


Hey Beth.

Hey, yeah, yeah, the clips, I’m seeing it through zoom.

That was, you know, the zoom call.

That was cool.

Yeah, I was wondering like you mentioned Be My Eyes, that AI.

Would that be able to read better with something can?

Because I have trouble with seeing AI than reading the text when it says text recognition and sometimes the product, it would make those like ringing sounds but it would say text not recognized.

You could, you could, you, if you wanted to read something, the best way to do that is to put whatever it is you’re trying to read flat, you know, and try and get a picture of the whole entire paper or document, whatever it is you’re trying to get to read.

Like a can like that.

What’s that Beth?

Like a can like that.

That’s kind of like more cylinder shape.

Like a can.

Yeah, I mean, sometimes it’s a gets a little bit difficult.

But if you’re trying to get it to like read a document, you would be better to use an OCR scanner type of a scanner instead of the image, you know, in in the Be My AI, because it’s meant to more grab the text and turn it into OCR and then be able to read it to you where Be My AI is more for like identifying objects or things around you.

It could read text too, but it just isn’t going to do it the same as an OCR scanner document app that would be made for that specifically.

What’s OCR?

What’s text recognition?

Yeah, makes it so your screen reader can read to you the information that’s on the paper, the text basically takes the text and turns it into digital so that your device could read it to you.

So that’s on the CNAI.

Yeah, because I I use the, you know, text recognition on there.

And it doesn’t always read it reads numbers that reads like the calories and I want the name of the you know, what I’m, you know, if I’m looking for some kind of beads, because that takes me forever to be able to find what I want.

So Beth, I’ll give you a tip that I learned and then we will go on to the next hand because I do see we have a few that might help you with that experience.

So you can use OCR like Marty was mentioning, which is optical character recognition or text scanning.

But if you use seeing AI, and you’re using the products channel, so you’re trying to scan for the barcode to get the name and you hear that beep and it gets faster and then it just stops beeping.

If that’s been the case, the best way to find a barcode is if you feel around the can and you find the seam where the paper comes together.

Oh, opposite of that is typically where the barcode is located.

And so if you put that seam down on the table or the counter, this is how I do it.

I put the seam down on the counter, and then I hold my phone about six to eight inches above the can because the opposite side should be showing the barcode.

And then I’ll slowly rotate the can and move my phone until it locks in on that signal.

And that might help you with being able to do it.

Just remember to put that seam down on the counter and then use your phone and see if you’re able to find that barcode.

That doesn’t say text not recognize.

That’s what it says.

If it’s saying text not recognized, then you’re not on the barcode scanner.

If it’s saying barcode not recognized, then you are and it’s not recognizing it.

But if it’s saying specifically text not recognized, then you’re not on the products channel and you need to change the channel to products.

Oh, okay.

All right.

Thanks, Beth.

Sounds good.



Hey, Jane.


So a couple of questions.

One is, well, I’m trying to send, I’m having issues with streaming and audio hijack or whatever.

And the developer says just take a screenshot.

How do I take a couple of different screenshots I can take?

What is it and how do I do it?


So what I would do in this case and someone else more familiar with the Mac might have more input on this.

And I’m looking at Brad because he may have a different opinion/idea.

But I use VOF2F2, which then brings up my window chooser.

And I make sure all the windows are closed that I don’t necessarily want in the screenshot.

And then the keystroke that I would use is command shift three.

And that adds a screenshot to your desktop and pops up a markup window.

Tap escape to dismiss that window.

And then on your desktop will be a screenshot of the currently active window.


And then I also noticed that whenever I call voicemail sometimes, the Siri voice and to answer on other people’s iPhones, how do I do that with mine?

So I take it if I am correct, you probably have a custom greeting that you have recorded.


Yes, but I want the Siri voice.

So you need to go into your voicemail and then go to your greetings.

And I don’t remember the name of the option, but it’s not custom greeting.

I believe it’s standard greeting is what it says.

And when you switch to that, then the Siri voice should answer.

If it doesn’t go to your settings and then your phone application and enable the ability to read what people are leaving as voicemails.

I can find the exact terminology if you need to.


Thanks, Jane.

Who do we got next, Sheila?


Hey, Pam.


To complicate, this is for Beth and I hear her frustration about the barcodes and trying to figure out whether that can is beans or fruit cocktails.

Big difference.

Big difference.

Sometimes, well, for me, the products I use very frequently, the barcode is not opposite to the scene.

So if you are our own product in seeing AI, then try first rolling the can so that the steam is straight up and move your thing around a little bit, your phone around just a little bit and the thing will start beeping and it’ll be faster and faster.

And then hopefully it will actually sort of begin to recognize the barcode and it will go into that little jazzy little punet place that I think is so cool.

It makes me smile.

And it will do that.

And it will, if it recognizes the barcode, it will read it to you if there is more info such as you’ve got a product that has cooking instructions or prep, preparation, whatever, or serving suggestions or whatever.

You can double-tab on more info and it’ll give you all that information.

But you do have to kind of roll that can around in order to find the barcode and to get the barcode you go to product.

And personally, I have found that there are other apps that have barcode readers and I have tried several, but the one in being AI is to me it works the absolute best.

And if all else fails, I mean you’ve tried everything, go to Be My Eyes and call a volunteer.

They’re not going to be able to read the barcode, but they are going to be able to tell you that they’ll say roll the can around to your left or to your right or whatever.

They will be able to tell you whether that is beans or fruit cocktail.

I appreciate that Pam.

You’re welcome.

I don’t think I want fruit cocktail in my soup.

Thank you.

No, probably not.

Probably wouldn’t be a good taste.

More beans in my fruit salad.


Thanks a lot Pam.

Thanks Pam.

Thank you.


Can you hear me?

We can hear you.


I’m having a lot of trouble.

In fact, I just can’t get into webinars anymore.

I don’t know if it’s that I haven’t been in one or a while and it’s canceled me or what, I just make the biggest mess when I try to get into a webinar and I can’t do it.

When you first get to the login window, you know how you click the link?

Then it pops up and you’re supposed to put your email and your name.


I understand that, but the problem I’m having is like your last name or something to my last name.

Well, when you put that in, then how do you get to the next place to put your last name in?

I mean, do you tap the top of the phone first and then flick or do you just flick or what?

You could do a, are you on an iPhone?


You could do a single finger swipe to the right and it takes you to the next thing.

So I think I understand where Ann’s running into an issue.

So Ann, if you tap on the name and it shows the keyboard at the bottom, you’re wondering how do you move that keyboard to the next field?

Is that correct?

No, I usually tap at the top of the keyboard and I’m just, I’m not getting in at all.

I’m just making a mess.


So that’s what you might want to try is in the bottom right hand corner of your keyboard between the dictate button and the delete button.

So it’s going to be on the right edge of your space bar.

There might be a done or next button that you can tap on.

So you would double tap if using voiceover and that should take you to the next field.

And then when you filled everything out, that should turn into a done or go button.

And when you tap on that, it should launch the webinar.

Have you tried that by chance?

Oh, I didn’t know about that.

So you prep, like I put my first name in and then I go to the bottom of the phone at the right and look for a done button.

It’ll, it’ll, it’ll probably actually say next.

And so it’s in the bottom right hand corner.

If you tap on that, then it will say email edit field and you put in your email and then it’ll probably say done or go.

And if you tap on that, then it should open zoom after your information is filled out.

I used to be able to do it, but I guess because I hadn’t been to one in a while, it canceled or something.

I don’t know.

I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but try that and see if that gets you into a webinar.

There is always the one touch dial in for webinars if necessary.

I think that’ll help you out with getting in there, Ann.


I’ll try it.


Thanks a lot.



All right.


Hey, Hazel.

How are you?

You’re still muted, Hazel.


We’ll come back to her.



One thing I wanted to tell everybody and I’ll tell people on the e-reader this afternoon, but and I don’t have one of these devices, but I wanted to make everybody aware.

One of my friends yesterday was earlier was trying to get Spanish.

You know, these tutors, tutorials in Spanish and things like that are from NLS.

They’re not showing up on the e-readers.


So you’re saying that your friend was trying to get Spanish tutorials and they’re not showing up on the e-readers.

They’re not showing up at all on the e-readers.

What she had to do was she had to go into her Victor reader stream, get them all on the Victor reader stream through an SD card and then transfer them from the SD card to the e-readers.

And did she let her local library know?

Do you know?

I think she’s going to have to because the problem is they’re not showing up on the e-reader.


That is my recommendation is make sure that she lets her local library know so they can look into see what’s going on and figuring out why they’re not showing up.

And that’ll be the best resolution for you and her.


Oh, thank you, Stacy.

They’re not showing up on the e-reader.


And unfortunately I don’t have access to that.

That’s why I say reach out to her local library and they can investigate why they’re not showing up on the e-reader.


All right.

Thanks, Stacy.

Sheila, who do we got next?

I’m going to give Hazel a little tip.

Hazel, I see you’ve lowered your hand.

If it said that I wasn’t allowing you to unmute, you haven’t gotten the okay or the got it button.

So I would recommend you go out and come back in.



Well, what happened is a stupid thing.

Oh, there you are unmuted.


Hi, Hazel.

Hazel, go ahead.


Stupid thing keeps losing focus.

That’s what happens.

And then I have to…

Oh, terrible.

Oh, it’s aggravating.

Anyway, my question is about webinars.

And I’m using Windows 11 and JAWS.

And lately, I don’t know if something’s changed, but lately I have been having trouble trying to get these things added to my Outlook calendar.

When I get the confirmation, it’ll say add to calendar.

And I go down and I choose the Outlook calendar.

And then it will put it in my downloads folder.

And I press the control J to get to it.

And then I’ll press the applications key and go down to open.

And when I find that Outlook calendar is selected, I go to import and I press enter on import.

And it says that it is imported, but it isn’t.

And I keep having to do it.

I’ll have to do it two or three times because sometimes it’ll put me on a browse thing.

And if I choose browse, it just goes to other places on the computer, not where I need to be.

So I have to do it like two or three times.

Sometimes I have to actually go into the downloads folder from my desktop, open it up that way, and then go down through all of those things that are there, which are not in alphabetical order and find it and press enter on it from there.

It’s really crazy.

Yeah, it sounds like it’s kind of a mess.

I’m going to be fully transparent with you.

I haven’t used Outlook calendar, and that’s actually something I’m learning over the next couple of weeks.

What I would do if I was in this situation and it kept doing this is next time you have a webinar invite that you’re trying to add to your Outlook calendar, call the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk and I can give you their phone number.

And they can remote into your computer and see exactly what’s going on and why it’s not adding it to your Outlook calendar immediately.

I think it’s probably just something is popping up because it sounds like it does it sometimes, but it’s not consistent with when it adds.

Is that correct?

That’s right.

I never know what it is that actually makes it work.

Yeah, so if you have a way to take down a phone number, I can give you this.

I have it, but I took a friend of mine and he said, “Oh, they’re no ill.”

He was doing and he tried with the same link I had and he had no problem.

Yeah, I would reach out to Microsoft and just tell me, “Hey, here’s the issue that I’m having.

Can you look at what’s going on when I’m trying to add it?”

And what they’ll do is they’ll jump on your computer remotely and have you add it so they can see exactly what’s going on.

Okay, I will reach out to us if you have any other questions and have a great day.

Who do we got next, Sheila?


Hey, Lynn.


Hey, Lynn.

How’s it going?


How are you guys?

Good, good.

Thank you.


Thanks for answering all our questions again today.

Appreciate it.

No problem.

So I wish that my screen reader, so I have a new keyboard as in a music keyboard, not a typing keyboard.

And I wish that it would help me identify all these buttons because there’s like a million of them.

That’s what I wish my screen reader would do.

Anyway, my question is, I have thousands of text messages on my phone, and unfortunately, I need to keep some of them so I can’t just delete everything without looking first.

And I can’t figure out how to easily get to the top of a conversation thread.

How do I do that?

Are you shocked?

Oh, go ahead, Michael.

I want to try something real quick because so what you can do is if you put your finger on the status bar and what I do is I put my finger on the status bar and then I double tap with another finger twice.

And then it says page one of 26 in this message thread.

If I do that again, it’ll say page one of 36.

And then I wait a second.

And then I put my finger on the top of the status bar and I double tap with another finger.

And now it says page one of 48.

So what’s happening is it has to load this message thread.

And so I have like this conversation thread that I’m in has has messages from 2016.

And so it takes forever for it to load.

So what you can do also, and I’m trying it right now, is if you hold your finger on the status bar, and you wait about two seconds, and then you just tap another finger on the screen that page one of X.

So right now it says page one of 94.

So as you can hear, it’s going up.

So if I tap another finger says one of 95.

So and now it’s one of 104.

So hopefully that helps you a little bit.

And you just have to keep waiting.

So it’s going to load all those messages.

And that can take a little while.

And one other thing I will tell you, which is a little bit confusing with messages, opposed to everything else like email and things like that.

The most current message in the body of the message is actually at the furthest bottom, not the top.

Unlike an email, you go all the way to the top.

So right, you want to go to the bottom to go to the most recent message that would be there.

In the bottom, I want to go to the top of the messages, because sometimes I have a message that says, Hey, I’ll send you the phone number for such and such in the next message.

And then I don’t know what the if I’m reading from the bottom, I don’t always know what that phone number was because sometimes people don’t put in, you know, what the phone number was for.

I mean, just because they’re they expect you to get rid of the message in the same day, which is logical.

And I should have done that.

But you know, anyway, that’s one thing.

One last thing to let you go, because you mentioned it with your screen reader, and then we’ll go on to that next hand is if you take a picture with your smartphone of your keyboard, hold your phone about eight to 12 inches from your keyboard.

And you can use multiple tools, including the be my AI, which Marty mentioned earlier, and they can you really, yep, it’ll give you a description of the keys that it sees.

And if it doesn’t tell you what the keys are, there’s an option that says ask more.

If you tap on that, then it pops up a keyboard and you can say, please describe the keys to me from left to right.

Jaws also in the picture smart feature has the ability to send an image to an AI.

Unfortunately, you can’t ask questions of the image.

But in this case, since you’re an iPhone user, I would recommend checking out be my AI with your keyboard and see how it describes it to you.


Well, thank you.

You know, this is a good question, because then you can you can educate people as to how they can do the things they want to do.

This is pretty cool.


No worries.

Thank you.

All right.

Yep, you too.

Thank you.

I want to cut 303 ending in 935.

I think it’s Petra.

I want to jump in here really quick and just remind everyone the question of the day, which is what do you wish your screener would do that it doesn’t currently do?

For those of you who maybe weren’t here for the announcements at the beginning, and you can be creative.

So go ahead.

Well, hi.

Yes, it is Petra.

How are you guys?

I know you’re good.

Thank you.

How are you Petra?

Your help is really so appreciated you.


I had a couple of comments.

One is that there’s a wonderful app that I got years ago, called digitize.

And that is old.

One thing it does do is read barcodes and it’s pretty good.

And yes, I agree with Pam, I find most of my barcodes on the side with the steam, just to the left of the seam at the bottom of the can.

But now I know to turn the can over and try the other side if I don’t find it there.

The other tip that they told me is that if you go shopping with anyone, when you’re shopping, if you take a roll of clear scotch tape, they can put tape over where the barcode is and the barcode readers can read through the clear tape.

And that gives you a marker on the can or the package to know where the barcode is when you’re home and alone.

The other tip that I have is I don’t know how I’m sure you guys know, but maybe other callers don’t.

There’s a free app that’s put out by the US Treasury Department called Inote.

And Inote identifies US currency and will tell you whether you’re looking at the front or the back, which for me doesn’t matter.

But all my cited friends want the money facing front.

That app will actually tell you what it is and whether you’ve got it front or back.

And I really don’t know what I want my screen reader to do because I’m not sophisticated enough to figure it out.

I have trouble with what it does already.

Well, I’m sure you’ll come up with something at some point.


Thank you very much, Petra.

All right, Erica 951, ending in 288.

Can you tell us who you are, please?

Yeah, hello.

Can you hear me?

We can hear you.

Okay, it’s Evelyn.

I got a couple of questions about the blind shell.


Okay, when you do a full backup, do you have to go to restore data before you restart the phone?


So when you do a full backup, when it tells you that the task has completed, then your phone is backed up.

You can go and restart your phone.

You go to restore data after you reset your phone or if you get a new phone and that will take the latest backup and put it back on your phone like you haven’t reset it.

Does that make sense?



If you have, if you already have it like on an SD card or flash drive, you mean?


When you do a backup, it’s going to copy that backup to the SD card or to a flash drive.



And then another question, what is the difference between the factory reset and the system one?

So the factory reset resets the blind shell to what it was like with the latest software update and none of your personal data, the system reinstall it, you have to, it’s typically used for service individuals.

And what you have to do is get a file from blind shell and then reinstall the operating system.

I don’t know that that file is available publicly.

So what I’d recommend doing is just doing the factory reset.


Thank you, Evelyn.


Have a beautiful day.

Who do we got next year?




Hello, everyone.

How are you guys doing?




Thank you.

I have experienced a not so good behavior in iOS 17.4.1 today.

And just ahead, this may involve reaching out to Apple accessibility and your local talk and book library because there is an issue now with the NLS Braille eReader not displaying the information correctly on from what voiceover is reading in what you’re trying to read, what voiceover has outputted out on the Braille display.

I have attempted to do a restart of the iPhone and also attempted to do a reboot of the NLS Braille eReader human wear Braille display.

That seems to solve the problem.

And if it continues again, this is where both Apple accessibility and the Braille and book library is going to have to come into play again.

Well, yeah.

So appreciate you letting us know about that, Nolan.

And you’re right.

It sounds like you have a plan.

If it does come back up, I would definitely reach out to your local library and they can help you with some tech support and let you know if you need to reach out to Apple accessibility as well.

So thanks a lot for that.

You’re welcome.

I just thought I would let everybody know if you see that issue, be aware.

All right.

Thanks a lot.

Who do we got next, Marty?

I mean, Sheila.

Hey, Lisa.

Hey, Lisa.

How are you?

I’m well, thank you.

My eyeballs all of them.

I’m like, who’s that?

I have a question on my phone.

I have downloads.

You know, I download stuff and I have stuff from my taxes and I don’t know how to access it.

Can you please help me how I access downloads on an iPhone 15 Pro?

Where are you?

So was this an email or how did you get the original documentation?

I know I’d be on a website or something and something to that effect.

And it says download.

I download it, but I can’t find it.

And I have downloads saved to my cloud, to the iCloud.

So my downloads do get I did find that out when I went to settings and I went to I went to downloads and it says it’s saving it to my iCloud, but I don’t know how to access it.

What version of phone do you have just out of curiosity?

iPhone 15 Pro.

There’s actually an app which a lot of people don’t know about, which is a stock app that comes on your phone called files and people don’t really know about it.

But it’s like a file.


Is there a downloads folder in there that it puts those attachments into that downloads folder?

You know what?

And that would also sync with your cloud, by the way.

Oh, okay.

I didn’t think hold on.

I’m kind of if I can.

Something’s This is old.

No, this is not related.

Something says downloads.

But it says error.

Coming up with error.

So I’m not sure exactly what’s going on where I would go in this though is if you go to your files app, which it sounds like you’re there in the bottom right hand corner, there should be a button that says browse.

If you don’t find browse in the bottom right hand corner, then there should be a back button in the top left hand corner.

If you go back, you do the browse.

Yeah, browse and then oh, go ahead.

I’m sorry.

So if you tap on browse, then that brings you to a list of all of your locations.

There’s iCloud Drive and on my iPhone and mine has Dropbox too because I have Dropbox set up.

So where I would go if I were you is I would tap on on my iPhone and see if the downloads you’re looking for are there.

If they’re not, then I would go to the back button in the top left hand corner, tap on iCloud Drive, and then tap on downloads and see if the downloads are there. iCloud doesn’t show up a download comes up.

But I have to see you know how and what I have to go through them to see if the most recent one is in there.

So that’s where I would start looking to go ahead and take a look there and let us know if you have any other questions.

You know, I so appreciate that something so simple is to go to files and then go to downloads.

Thank you so much.

No worries.

No problem.

Good luck to you.

Thank you.

All right, Diane Duchamp.

Hey, Diane.

Hey, guys.

How are you?


How are you?


So I have a zoom question and I was using my iPhone to schedule a zoom meeting because I have all the contacts in there.

So I’m at the point where I’m inviting in attendee attendees.

And as soon as I put one in and I try to put somebody else in it deletes the first one.

So what am I doing wrong?

How do you put multiple attendees to one zoom meeting?

So I will need to play with zoom on the iPhone.

Let me ask you when you’re done adding a contact, what do you do?

I’ve tried multiple things.

Well, first of all, there’s no semicolon button.

There’s no simple and simple.

There is.

You got to go into the you have two options and numbers and then symbols.

I did.

I went into symbols and there wasn’t anything there.

There was not a semicolon to be found.

I’m going to look and see if I can find one.

So I thought there was one, but now I’m second guessing myself.

So I’m going to look and see if I can find one.

So I tried spacing.

I tried hitting return and nothing was allowing me to put in a separate person.

I had to send everybody a separate invite.

OK, so I was just doing a quick test with my zoom.

And what I ended up doing is when I tapped on.

So I’m in the meeting.

I have the meeting topic and then I have the start and the duration, all that fun stuff.

And then you get to attendees and it says none.

If I double tap on attendees, it says search by name and then I’m going to put in your name right here.

So if I put I type in D.I.A. and it finds you actually it didn’t because I don’t have your email address.

That’s interesting.

So if I if I find someone’s name and I what I did is I tapped on it and then that added them.

And then do you see the other like other people’s names there or is the issue trying to add someone that’s names not there?

Because I can just double tap on each of the names and it changes from not selected to selected.

What I did was I got attendees thing and then it said something like send by message or send by email.

So I clicked on send by email and then an email field.

So you know, I understand the setting is what you’re doing and the two blocks.

So I would put in like the first person.

His name is Josh.

So I would J.O.S.H.


He would pop up.

So tap on his name.

The next person was Amy.


So I would start to try to put her in and I couldn’t because when I put her in it deleted Josh.

Try pressing enter before you put her in.

So after you tap on Josh, hit enter in the bottom right hand corner underneath the delete button and then try typing Amy and see if that lets you do it.

Well I thought I did try that and it didn’t work, but I could try it all again.

Yeah I’ll play with you.

I was just wondering if you guys had a magic.


That would be my magic thing that I would try there.

I do have an answer to your semicolon issue though.

I did not actually find one on the keyboard itself.

I still am perturbed by like why can’t we find a semicolon.

But what I did do was I hit the dictate button and said semicolon and it stuck it in there.

So you might want to try that.


All right.

That is worth a try.

But it is strange that there’s none on the keyboard itself.

Yeah but it’s funny that you can say it and it will actually put it in there.


So try that.

If you get to where you need to stick a semicolon there, hit the dictate button, say semicolon and then end the dictate and at least you’ll get the semicolon in there.


I will give that a try.

All right.

Thank you very much.

Good luck.

Thank you.

All right.



All right.

Belle Juliana.

Hey Belle.


Hey Belle.

How are you?


How do you record?

Well first of all I better answer the question.

I would love for my screen reader to conveniently read PDF files.

You just can’t believe what I go through when I get PDF files.

I guess they’re scanned in or something.

I don’t know what the problem is but boy I mean some of them I cannot read no matter what I do unless I go to my iPhone and I can kind of read them that way.

I mean it’s kind of hard for me to do but anyway that’s the thing I would love to have.

So then how do you record on the iPhone?

Just audio.

Yeah but I mean yeah but I mean yeah.

Say I’m listening to something or you know can I record how do you do that?

You would use the voice memos app and then you can record you know if you’re somewhere and you want to record something or if you want to talk into it and record your voice that’s how you would do it.


What about something really long like?

Well you could you could literally like you say like there’s something you wanted to record you can hit the record button and just put your phone down and let it start listening and it’ll record whatever it is you wanted to whatever is in the room whatever audio or anything like that or your own voice.

The only thing I would say is you’re going to have to be careful that you don’t fill up your hard drive on your phone.

Where is the record button?

Once you open up voice memos it’s going to be right there when you open up the voice memos you can hit the record button and it will start recording.

OK thanks.

Yeah no problem.

All right we’re getting close to 10 minutes.

Lady A is after us so you’ve got seven hands.


So area code 9 7 0 ending in 8 7 4.

Please tell us who you are.

Hi this is Catherine.

I asked this question before my dial-a-write advisory board has changed to Teams instead of Zoom.

And so is there a way to get a list of phone numbers instead of because I can’t access it on the blind shell teams.

It would have to come from whoever is making the invitation for the Teams meeting.

Oh for the phone numbers?


They’d have to provide it?

Like whenever you get a Zoom you know when you get a Zoom email and they give you the links to get in but they also give you phone numbers to call as well.

That comes from whoever created the event.

So whoever is creating the event needs to send all the links to be able to log in as well as phone numbers from someone chooses to call in instead of use a device you know with the link either the computer or the device with a link.

Oh OK.

I’ll ask them then.

And then my other quick question is can I get instructions on how to back up my blind shell phone because I’m having I’m going to have to switch to a new blind shell phone because my wiring got baptized about 10 months ago while I was in the RCPP hospital.

So it’s failing.

Are you subscribed to the Shellphone show?

Yes I am.

If you go back and look at some of the previous episodes I believe it was September or October I walked you through how to back up your blind shell classic too.

Oh wonderful.


Thank you Michael.

Do I need to provide the IMA I can never say that right.

I mean I can for the number.

Do I need to provide that?

I recommend providing that to your cell phone carrier but need to is probably a strong term.

Oh so yes.



You don’t need to but you should.

Oh OK.

I will do that then.

Thank you so much for your help.

Thanks Catherine.

I’ll check that out.


Hey Scott.


The semicolon can be found or at least this is how I found it by going into the notes app and as if I were going to create a new note so I can bring up a text field.

If you look if you are on the lower left corner and you’ve got you’ve got the where it says letter you choose letters numbers and so on.

If you choose numbers the semicolon is immediately below the number four.

If you go like start at the number row the semicolon is immediately four until they’re just to the right of the colon.


And I think that placement might be slightly different when it’s showing the email keyboard which is zoom is showing.


See that’s OK.


Well thank you Scott.

That’s pretty unfortunate.

That’s kind of unfortunate if you ask me but you know they set up the different keyboard layout is a little different for each for each app.

You know that’s good.

I did pull up a text message to open up for typing and did what you just said and the semicolon is there.

So that’s cool.


Thank you Scott.

Appreciate it.

I’d offer that.

All right.

Thanks Scott.

Appreciate it.

Area code 502 ending in 382.

I think that’s a Kentucky area.

Thank you.

This is Terry Turlock and I have a question about the blind shell phone.

When I looked at it about six months ago deleting an email required four or five steps and I wonder if the email app has been worked on since then or is that process still I found it quite cumbersome.

Thank you.

That process has not changed.

Do you use the second half of your email address.

Is it a Gmail account or an outlook at outlook at Gmail.

What is the second half of your email.

Mine is a Gmail.

So do you use a computer also by chance.

Well oh yeah no this was I was trying to help someone learn to do email with the blind shell and we gave up because it was just too complicated to do all the five steps from her.

So I was hoping there was a simpler way.

It has not changed at this time Terry.

Great question.

Thanks a lot.

Thank you.

All right.

And hey and.

You’ve got about three minutes.

Can you hear me.

Yeah we can hear you.


I’m in mess in messages text messages when you’re in a thread and you want to delete a message but not the whole thread.

How do you do it.

I’d have to figure that out.

I’m not sure I ever even tried to do that.

I’d have to figure that out and try and get back to you unless Michael do you know.

So yes if you highlight a message and then flick up to more and double tap this will select that message and put you in a multi select window where you can go through and wait a minute you go you open messages to the one that you want to delete.



And then you flick up to more.

So you touch the message you want to delete.

So you open the message thread touch the message you want to delete flick up to more and double tap.

This puts you in a screen with that message selected and you can select more messages if you would like.

But in the lower left hand corner is a delete button double tap that and that’ll delete all of the selected messages that you’ve selected.

Even if you just want to delete one it will just delete.

Well delete the entire thread.

Nope it’ll just delete that one that’s selected.

Oh OK.

I’ll try it.


Thanks a lot.

And I think we need to wrap it up.

So Marty you want to go in.


We have a hard deadline today because we have something right after us.

So we want to thank everyone for being here as usual.

We’ll be back next week same time.

And if you have any questions comments or anything like that you can email us at feedback at unmute dot show.

And if you want to check out what we’re doing and everything else going on you can check out our website at unmute dot show.

And everyone have a great week and we’ll see you next time.

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00:05.680 –> 00:08.274
This has been an ACB community call.

00:17.334 –> 00:22.914
Today’s Unmute Presents Community call was hosted on Tuesday the 9 April 2024.

00:26.854 –> 01:42.134
Hello everyone. Welcome back to another unmute. As usual, we’ve got a couple announcements here at the top. Want to remind everyone we’re going to go through all first questions and if we get through everybody then we’ll take second questions. So if you have tech questions, go ahead and raise your hands and we’ll get to you just here in a few minutes. Also, I wanted to remind everyone that Mac bytes with bits is tonight at eight Eastern, so you can go to their website to check all that out or check the daily community email that went out today. Also, I wanted to remind everyone that we’re doing the introduction to Jaws in club Unmute. So check that out and you can check that out and all the details at Unmute show is the website and if you have any questions or comments, anything else that you can think of, you can reach out to us at feedback Unmute show. The question of the day Today is what do you wish your screener screen reader would do that it isn’t currently doing and you can be creative. I wish my screen reader would go make me a cup of coffee and bring it to me. So with that being said, Michael, how are you?

01:43.194 –> 03:07.878
We’re getting there with AI, aren’t we? We are. So I’m doing great, Marty. I think that the first thing that I’ll mention is pub unmute members this afternoon are going to receive a three minute audio going over the keystrokes document we sent you last week. Yesterday, technically working listeners received a podcast where Damasi and I of course, sat down and talked about what we’re doing in the current programs. We have our audio setups and also chatted about live streaming to YouTube because we finally got that up and working as well. On Sunday, digital bytes published and we talked about the Black Ink crosswords puzzle, managing your iOS storage and new laptops with tactile dots. On Friday we started publishing Jaws tips, thanks to Marcy for that. And Friday’s episode was decrease and increase Jaws speech rate during say all on Thursday at your fingertips with Chris published a content about braille, business cards, post it notes, and some other information that you’ll want to check out. And then of course we have the shell phone show and Tuesday’s replay call. So that’s what we have right now. Sheila, do we have any hands?

03:07.966 –> 03:14.794
You do. Area code 417 ending in 192. Can you unmute and tell us who you are, please?

03:19.614 –> 03:21.942
Hi guys, this is Brittany from Missouri.

03:22.078 –> 03:23.006
Hi, Brittany.

03:23.150 –> 03:23.734
Hey, Brittany.

03:23.774 –> 04:18.526
Hi. I have a question today regarding find my friends on the iOS devices. My father in law has a brain injury and he’s, I think, almost 70. And we are, have been wanting to use Phi, my friends, for a couple of years now. And every time we implement it, he gets to the part where he’s going through his text messages and he deletes it because, you know, I’m in Missouri, he’s in Iowa. You know, it’s not necessary to keep on his messages. And then the next thing you know, we can’t track him any longer. So I know there’s a way because I have other people that in my family and our network that we track, that we don’t necessarily have messages with. And I just can’t figure out how to do it. So I was reaching out for help, certainly.

04:18.590 –> 04:26.634
So I’ll take this one on. Brittany, if you can get onto your father in law’s phone, is that a possibility? Do you have access to the phone itself?

04:28.134 –> 04:33.846
Yeah, I don’t know if I’m, like I said, I’m in Missouri, he’s in Iowa, but somebody can get a hold of it.

04:33.870 –> 04:34.078

04:34.126 –> 05:17.864
So if you can go into the phone itself, open the find my application. There’s an add button that you would tap on in the find my application. I’m looking at it right here. And when you tap on that, it’ll ask you to enter the phone number, pick a contact or email address of who you want to share it with. And when you do that, it doesn’t necessarily, I believe it will send a message for the person to confirm. But once you confirm, you can go into your find my application and then tap on the people icon in the bottom left hand corner. And the lower middle half of the screen will give you a list of the people that you are following with their current location and the last time that it was updated.

05:18.924 –> 05:24.460
Okay, awesome. So keeping track of the whole message thing, you know, wouldn’t be bypassed, correct?

05:24.612 –> 05:29.104
Right. Right. So if you deleted the message, it would still be in your find my app.

05:29.644 –> 05:30.172

05:30.228 –> 05:32.932
Thank you so much, Michael. That truly helps a lot.

05:33.068 –> 05:34.744
No worries. Thanks a lot, Brittany.

05:35.204 –> 05:36.144
Take care.

05:38.454 –> 05:39.394

05:40.014 –> 05:41.154
Hey, Janet.

05:47.174 –> 06:02.594
You’re still muted. Janet, I got a. I got a junk call and I was trying to get rid of it when you called my name. I wish my screen reader would bring me a beer and make me lunch.

06:06.194 –> 06:10.338
Gotcha. Well, thanks for that and appreciate it, Janet.

06:10.506 –> 06:15.814
Yeah. Teresa.

06:16.154 –> 06:17.334
Hey, Theresa.

06:22.914 –> 06:50.194
This won’t be as hilarious as the other two, but I wish the screen reader could tell you if you held up an object, it could tell you what it is, what color or something it is, what denomination of money you’re holding. I know the echo show five does all that. But you know, like if you have Josscreen reader, I wish you could do that.

06:51.094 –> 07:00.530
Maybe try playing with be my eyes, the new version. It’s pretty good. When the AI section identifies a lot of stuff for you.

07:00.682 –> 07:04.962
It’s pretty good actually. Yeah, I have to check that out.

07:05.098 –> 07:31.244
There’s a new AI tab. So if you check that and then you point your camera at something with that app open, and once you open up the AI section, you take a picture of something or you can point it, like for example, like at a, in a room, if you stand at a doorway in a room you’ve never been in. And it will do the best that it can to identify all the things that are in that room or on a table, or it’ll identify something in a picture for you. It does. It’s really cool. You should try it.

07:32.424 –> 07:33.324

07:33.624 –> 07:42.764
But Teresa, thank you for that suggestion because that is a good piece of feedback for screen reader manufacturers is you’d like object recognition built into it. Right?

07:43.504 –> 07:48.924
Right. I’m not undermining the hilarious answers that the other two people ask.

07:50.934 –> 07:55.634
No, no, but it’s a practical thing, so we appreciate that. Teresa, did you have a question today.

07:59.574 –> 08:21.110
On my iPod touch yesterday, I was trying to use the one tap mobile to get onto a zoom call. Not the, not the eclipse one, but just another one. And it got stuck and it didn’t do anything and it didn’t move, it didn’t let me exit out. It just got stuck.

08:21.262 –> 08:32.154
So, so I think I know what’s going on. If I, if I understand correctly, um, you tried to use the one touch dialing on your iPod touch to join a zoom call, is that correct?

08:32.734 –> 08:33.910
That is correct.

08:34.062 –> 08:53.034
So the iPod touch doesn’t have the ability to actually make phone calls, it’s just a Wi Fi device. So you would have to have used the zoom link to join the zoom call and not the one touch dialing. And that’s why it just got stuck and didn’t do anything because it couldn’t make, make a phone call, which is what you are asking it to do.

08:54.054 –> 08:57.034
Right. Okay, now how do I get unstuck.

08:57.334 –> 08:59.846
So if it’s still stuck?

08:59.910 –> 09:16.514
I was trying to go through the email, you know, you know, I was all the call listed in the email of Cindy’s and Natalie’s and Belinda’s. One of them does the daily schedule. I was trying to get out of that. So I just check out their email. That’s where.

09:18.704 –> 09:35.644
Gotcha. So in that case, what I would do is double press the home button. So press the home button twice. That’ll take you to the app switcher, find the mail icon and flick up to dismiss. And that would close the mail app and then you can reopen mail.

09:36.624 –> 09:37.408

09:37.536 –> 09:40.364
Sometimes it’d be helpful to restart the device as well.

09:41.464 –> 09:43.004
I thought about that too.

09:43.464 –> 09:43.864

09:43.904 –> 09:47.124
So there you go. Teresa, thanks a lot for your input today.

09:47.904 –> 09:49.404
Okay, thank you.

09:50.944 –> 09:52.152
Yep. Who do we got next?

09:52.248 –> 09:57.604
That sounds very elementary to say. It got stuck, but that’s how it was. It was stuck.

09:58.104 –> 10:00.484
No worries. Well, thanks for your feedback there.

10:01.144 –> 10:04.360
You’re welcome. Beth.

10:04.552 –> 10:05.524
Hey, Beth.

10:07.424 –> 10:41.824
Hey. Yeah, yeah, the eclipse, um, see it, seeing it through zoom, that was, you know, the zoom call. That was cool. Um, yeah, I, I was wondering like the, you, you mentioned be my eyes, that AI, would that be able to read better what’s on a can? Because I have trouble with seeing AI that reading the text when it says text recognition and sometimes the product, it would um, make those like, uh, ringing sounds, but it would say text not recognized.

10:42.484 –> 10:57.444
You could you, could you, if you wanted to read something, the best way to do that is to put whatever it is you’re trying to read flat, you know, and try and get a picture of the whole entire, uh, paper or document, whatever it is you’re trying to get it to read.

10:57.604 –> 10:59.184
Like it came like that.

10:59.864 –> 11:01.032
What’s that, Beth?

11:01.208 –> 11:07.040
Like a can like that. That’s kind of like more cylinder shape. Like a can?

11:07.072 –> 11:07.264

11:07.304 –> 11:46.310
I mean, sometimes it’s a, gets a little bit difficult, but if you’re trying to get it to like read a document, you would be better to use an OCR scanner, type of a scanner instead of the image, you know, in, in the, be my AI because it’s meant to more grab the text and turn it into OCR and then be able to read it to you. Where be my AI is more for like identifying objects or things around you. It could read text too, but it just isn’t going to do it the same as an OCR scanner document app that would be made for that.

11:46.382 –> 11:49.514
Specifically, what’s OCR?

11:50.374 –> 12:01.234
Text recognition. Yeah. Makes it so your screen reader can read to you the information that’s on the paper. The text basically takes the text and turns it into digital so that your device could read it to you.

12:01.654 –> 12:28.718
So that’s on the CNAI? Yeah, because I, I use the, you know, text recognition on there, and it doesn’t always read. It reads numbers, and then it reads, like, the calories. And I want the name of the, you know, when I’m, you know, if I’m looking for some kind of beads, because that takes me forever to be able to find what I want.

12:28.846 –> 13:34.182
So, Beth, I’ll give you a tip that I learned, and then we will go on to the next hand, because I do see we have a few that might help you with that experience. So you can use OCR, like Marty was mentioning, which is optical character recognition or text scanning. But if you use seeing AI and you’re using the products channel, so you’re trying to scan for the barcode to get the name, and you hear that beep, and it gets faster, and then it just stops beeping. If that’s been the case, the best way to find a barcode is if you feel around the can and you find the seam where the paper comes together. Opposite of that is typically where the barcode is located. And so if you put that seam down on the table or the counter, this is how I do it. I put the seam down on the counter, and then I hold my phone about six to eight inches above the can because the opposite side should be showing the barcode. And then I’ll slowly rotate the can and move my phone until it locks in on that signal. And that might help you with being able to do it. Just remember to put that seam down on the counter and then use your phone and see if you’re able to.

13:34.198 –> 13:39.502
Find that barcode that, does it say text not recognized? That’s what it says.

13:39.638 –> 13:58.034
If it’s saying text not recognized, then you’re not on the barcode scanner. If it’s saying barcode not recognized, then you are, and it’s not recognizing it. But if it’s saying specifically text not recognized, then you’re not on the products channel, and you need to change the channel to products.

13:58.434 –> 13:59.974
Oh, okay.

14:00.314 –> 14:01.546
All right. Thanks, Beth.

14:01.650 –> 14:05.450
Sounds good. Thanks, Jane.

14:05.642 –> 14:06.654
Hey, Jane.

14:07.794 –> 14:39.454
Hello. So, a couple questions. One is, well, I’m trying to send. I’m having issues with streaming and audio hijacking or whatever, and the developer says, just take a screen shot. How do I take. There are a couple of different screenshots I can take. What is it, and how do I do it?

14:39.494 –> 15:18.954
Yep. So what I would do in this case, and someone else more familiar with the Mac might have more input on this. And I’m looking at Brad because he may have a different opinion slash idea, but I use vof two. F two. Which then brings up my, is that screen? Yeah, that’s my window chooser. And I make sure all the windows are closed that I don’t necessarily want in the screenshot. Um, and then the keystroke that I would use is command shift three. And that adds a screenshot to your desktop and pops up a markup window tap escape to dismiss that window. And then on your desktop will be a screenshot of the currently active window.

15:20.174 –> 15:39.314
Um, okay. And then, um, I also notice that whenever I call voicemail, sometimes the Siri voice tends to answer on other people’s iPhones. How do I do that with mine?

15:40.054 –> 15:47.714
So I take it if I, if I am correct, you probably have a custom greeting that you have recorded, correct?

15:48.214 –> 15:50.514
Yes, but I want the Siri.

15:51.544 –> 16:28.652
So you need to go into your voicemail and then go to your greetings. And I don’t remember the name of the option, but it’s not custom greeting. I believe it’s standard greeting is what it says. And when you switch to that, then the Siri voice should answer if it doesn’t, go to your settings and then your phone application and enable the ability to read what people are leaving as voicemails. And I can find the exact terminology if you need me to. Okay, thanks, Jane. Who do we got next? Sheila.

16:28.788 –> 16:29.504

16:30.004 –> 16:30.636
Hey, Pam.

16:30.700 –> 16:31.396

16:31.580 –> 16:32.244

16:32.364 –> 16:45.108
To complicate this is, this is for Beth and I, I hear her frustration about the barcodes and trying to figure out whether that can is beans or fruit cocktails.

16:45.276 –> 16:46.344
Big difference.

16:46.714 –> 19:20.624
Big difference. Sometimes. Well, for me, the products I use very frequently, the barcode is not opposite the seam. It’s right there, close to the seam. So if you are own products, product in seeing AI, then try first rolling the can so that the steam is straight up and you know, move your, your thing around a little bit, your phone around just a little bit and the thing will start beeping and it’ll be faster and faster. And then hopefully it will actually sort of begin to recognize the barcode and it will go into that little jazzy little tune it plays that I think is so cool. It makes me so smile. And it will do that and it will, if it recognizes the barcode, it’ll read it to you. If there is more info, such as you’ve got a product that has cooking instructions or prep preparation, whatever or serving suggestions or whatever, you can double tap on more info and it’ll give you all that information. But you do have to kind of roll that can around in order to find the barcode and to get the barcode, you go to product. And personally, I have found the. There are other apps that have barcode readers, but. And I have tried several, but the one in seeing AI is to me, it works the absolute best. And if all else fails, I mean, you’ve tried everything. Go to be my eyes and call a volunteer. Now, they’re not going to be able to read the barcode, but they are going to be able to tell you. They’ll say, roll the can around to your left or to your right or whatever. They will be able to tell you whether that is beans or fruit cocktail.

19:22.324 –> 19:23.984
Appreciate it.

19:24.324 –> 19:28.996
You’re welcome. I don’t think. I don’t think I want food cocktail in my soup.

19:29.060 –> 19:29.980
Thank you.

19:30.172 –> 19:31.624
No, probably not.

19:32.064 –> 19:33.272
Probably wouldn’t be a good taste.

19:33.328 –> 19:36.632
Or bean, or beans in my fruit salad.

19:36.768 –> 19:39.244
Yes. Thanks a lot.

19:40.024 –> 19:41.044
Thank you.

19:41.424 –> 19:44.192
Anne. Hey, can you hear me?

19:44.328 –> 19:45.280
We can hear you.

19:45.392 –> 20:06.264
Okay. I’m having a lot of trouble. Fun fact, I just can’t get into webinars anymore. I don’t know if it’s that I haven’t been in one in a while, canceled me or what, but I just make the biggest mess when I try to get into a webinar and I can’t do it.

20:07.804 –> 20:16.980
Well, when you first get to the login window, you know how you click the link, then it pops up and you’re supposed to put your email and your name.

20:17.052 –> 20:37.750
Okay, I understand that, but the problem I’m having is like, you’ll ask me my first name or something to my last name. Well, when you put that in, then how do you get to the next place to put your last name in or to put. I mean, do you tap the top of the phone first and then flick? Or do you just flick?

20:37.822 –> 20:40.994
Or what you could do. Are you on an iPhone?

20:41.494 –> 20:42.254

20:42.414 –> 20:46.394
You could do a single finger swipe to the right and it takes you to the next thing.

20:47.654 –> 20:59.554
So I think I understand where Ann’s running into an issue. So. And if you tap on the name and it shows the keyboard at the bottom, you’re wondering, how do you move that keyboard to the next field? Is that correct?

20:59.854 –> 21:08.366
No, I usually tap at the top of the keyboard and I’m just. I’m not getting in at all. I’m just making a mess.

21:08.550 –> 21:39.474
Okay. So that’s what you might want to try is in the bottom right hand corner of your keyboard between the dictate button and the delete button. So it’s going to be on the right edge of your spacebar. There might be a done or next button that you can tap on? Well, you would double tap if using voiceover, and that should take you to the next field. And then when you filled everything out, that should turn into a done or go button. And when you tap on that, it should launch the webinar. Have you tried that by chance?

21:39.634 –> 21:47.794
Oh, I didn’t know about that. So you prep, like, I put my first name in, and then I go to the bottom of the phone at the right and look for a done button.

21:47.954 –> 21:48.314

21:48.354 –> 22:05.574
It’ll. It’ll probably actually say next. Um, and so it’s in the bottom right hand corner. If you tap on that, then it will say, email edit field, and you put in your email, and then it’ll probably say done or go. And if you tap on that, then it should open zoom after your information is filled out.

22:06.794 –> 22:12.014
I used to be able to do it, but I guess because I hadn’t been to one in a while, it canceled or something.

22:13.514 –> 22:23.962
I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but try that and see if that gets you into a webinar. There is always the one touch dial in for webinars if necessary. But I think that’ll help you out with getting in there. Anne.

22:24.098 –> 22:25.338
Okay, I’ll try it.

22:25.466 –> 22:26.584
Perfect. Thanks a lot.

22:26.714 –> 22:30.660
Thanks. All right. Hazel.

22:30.852 –> 22:32.464
Hey, Hazel. How are you?

22:38.804 –> 23:24.024
You’re still muted, Hazel. Okay, we’ll come back to her. Stacy. Okay, one thing I want to tell everybody, and I’ll tell people you on the e reader this afternoon, but. And I don’t have one of these devices, but I wanted to make everybody aware one of my friends yesterday or earlier was trying to get Spanish. Spanish. You know, these tutors, tutorials in Spanish and things like that from NLS. They’re not showing up on the e readers.

23:26.524 –> 23:34.348
Okay, so. So you’re saying that your friend was trying to get spanish tutorials and they’re not showing up on the e readers?

23:34.436 –> 23:52.570
They’re not showing up at all on the e readers. What she had to do was she had to go into her Victor reader stream, get them all on the Victor reader stream through a sd card, and then transfer them from the sd card to the. To the e readers.

23:52.722 –> 23:55.614
And did she let her local library know? Do you know?

23:58.314 –> 24:04.778
I think she’s going to have to, because the problem is they’re not showing up on the e reader.

24:04.866 –> 24:19.162
Yep. That is my recommendation is make sure that she lets her local library know so they can look into. See what’s going on and figuring out why they’re not showing up and that’ll be the best resolution for you and her. Okay. Oh, thank you, Stacey.

24:19.218 –> 24:21.658
You have a great showing up on the e reader.

24:21.746 –> 24:29.614
Yep. Yep. And unfortunately, I don’t have access to that. That’s why I say reach out to her local library and they can investigate why they’re not showing up on the e reader.

24:30.554 –> 24:31.450

24:31.602 –> 24:34.094
All right. Thanks, Stacey. Sheila, who do we got next?

24:34.394 –> 24:49.334
I’m going to give Hazel a little tip. Hazel, I see you lowered your hand. If it said that I wasn’t allowing you to unmute. You haven’t gotten the okay or the got it button, so I would recommend you go out and come back in. Lynn.

24:49.874 –> 24:51.706
Well, what happened is the stupid.

24:51.770 –> 24:54.298
Oh, there you are. Unmuted. Okay. Hi, Hazel.

24:54.306 –> 24:55.098
Hazel, go ahead.

24:55.186 –> 24:55.530

24:55.602 –> 26:50.030
The stupid thing keeps losing focus. That’s what happens. And then I have to up tab them. Oh, it’s aggravating. Anyway, my question is about webinars, and I’m on, I’m using computer, windows eleven and jaws. And lately, I don’t know if something’s changed, but lately I have been having trouble trying to get these things out added to my outlook calendar. When I get the confirmation, it’ll say add to calendar and I go down and I choose the outlook calendar and then it will put it in my downloads folder and I press the control j to get to it. And then I’ll press the applications key and go down to open. And when I find that outlook calendar is selected, I go to import and I press enter on import and it says that it is imported, but it isn’t. And I keep having to do it. I’ll have to do it two or three times because sometimes it’ll put me on a browse thing. And if I choose browse, it just goes to other places on the computer, not where I need to be. So I have to do it like two or three times. I find it sometimes I have to actually go into the downloads folder from my desktop, open it up that way, and then go down through all of those things that are there which are not in alphabetical order, and find it and go, you know, press enter on it from there. It’s really crazy.

26:50.222 –> 27:30.544
Yeah, it sounds like it’s kind of a mess. I’m going to be fully transparent with you. I haven’t used Outlook calendar, and that’s actually something I’m learning over the next couple of weeks. What I would do if I was in this situation and it kept doing this is next time you have a webinar invite that you’re trying to add to your Outlook calendar, call the Microsoft disability answer desk and I can give you their phone number and they can remote into your computer and see exactly what’s going on and why it’s not adding it to your Outlook calendar immediately. And I think it’s probably just something is popping up because it sounds like it does it sometimes, but it’s not consistent with when it adds. Is that correct?

27:30.924 –> 27:35.006
That’s right. I never know what it is that actually makes it work.

27:35.140 –> 27:38.694
Yeah. So if you have a way to take down a phone number, I can give you this.

27:39.154 –> 27:48.618
I have it. But I, friend of mine, he said, oh, they’re no help. And he was doing, and he tried with the same link I had and he had no problem.

27:48.786 –> 27:49.534

27:50.234 –> 28:05.348
I would, I would reach out to Microsoft and just tell him, hey, here’s the issue that I’m having. Can you, can you look at what’s going on when I’m trying to add it? And what they’ll do is they’ll jump on your computer remotely and have you at it so they can see exactly what’s going on.

28:05.466 –> 28:06.216

28:06.360 –> 28:11.520
I will reach out to us if you have any other questions and have a great day. Hazel, who do we got next?

28:11.552 –> 28:13.920
Sheila Lynn.

28:14.032 –> 28:14.968
Hey, Lynn.

28:15.136 –> 28:15.864

28:16.024 –> 28:17.016
How’s it going?

28:17.200 –> 28:18.840
Good. How are you guys?

28:18.952 –> 28:19.200

28:19.232 –> 28:19.448

28:19.496 –> 28:20.264
Thank you.

28:20.424 –> 28:23.576
Good. Thanks for answering all our questions again today. Appreciate it.

28:23.600 –> 28:24.364
No problem.

28:25.544 –> 29:06.584
So I wish that my screen reader, so I have a new keyboard, as in a music music keyboard, not a typing keyboard. And I wish that it would help me identify all these buttons because there’s like a million of them. So that’s what I wish my screen reader would do. Anyway, my question is I have thousands of text messages on my phone and unfortunately I need to keep some of them. So I can’t just delete everything without looking first. And I can’t figure out how to, how to easily get to the top of a conversation thread. How do I do that?

29:09.164 –> 29:11.304
Yeah, go ahead, Michael.

29:13.204 –> 30:25.434
I want to try something real quick because, so what you can do is if you put your finger on the status bar, and what I do is I put my finger on the status bar and then I double tap with another finger twice. And then it says page one of 26 in this message thread. If I do that again, it’ll say page one of 36. And then I wait a second and then I put my finger on the top of the status bar and I double tap with another finger. And now it says page one of 48. So what’s happening is it has to load this message, and so I have like this conversation thread that I’m in has, has messages from 2016. And so it takes forever for it to load. So what you can do also, and I’m trying it right now, is if you hold your finger on the status bar and you wait about 2 seconds and then you just tap another finger on the screen, that page one of x. So right now it says page one of 94. So as you can hear it’s going up. So if I tap another finger says one of 95, so and now it’s one of 104. So hopefully that helps you a little bit and you just have to keep waiting. So it’s got to load all those messages and that can take a little while.

30:25.594 –> 30:49.706
And one of the things I will tell you, which is a little bit confusing with messages opposed to everything else like email and things like that, the most current message in the body of the message is actually at the furthest bottom, not the top. Unlike an email, you go all the way to the top. So you want to go to the bottom to go to the most recent message that would be there in the bottom.

30:49.730 –> 31:15.994
But I want you to go to the top of the messages because sometimes I have a message that says, hey, I’ll send you the phone number for such and such and the next message and then I don’t know what the, if I’m reading from the bottom, I don’t always know what that phone number was because sometimes people don’t put in, you know, what the phone number was for. I mean, just because they’re, they expect you to get rid of the message in the same day, which is logical and I should have done that. But, you know, anyway, that’s one, one.

31:16.034 –> 31:34.698
Last thing to let you go because you mentioned it with your screen reader. And then we’ll go on to that. Next hand is if you take a picture with your smartphone of your keyboard, hold your phone about eight to twelve inches from your keyboard, and you can use multiple tools, including the be my AI, which Marty mentioned earlier. And they.

31:34.746 –> 31:35.666
Oh, can you really?

31:35.770 –> 32:06.586
Yep. It’ll give you a description of the keys that it sees. And if it doesn’t tell you what the keys are, there’s an option that says ask more. If you tap on that, then it pops up a keyboard and you can say, please describe the keys to me from left to right. Jaws also in the picture smart feature has the ability to send an image to an AI. Unfortunately, you can’t ask questions of the image, but in this case, since you’re an iPhone user, I would recommend checking out be my AI with your keyboard and see how it describes it to you.

32:06.610 –> 32:13.978
Okay, well, thank you. You know, this is a good question because then you can. You can educate people as to how they can do the things they want to do. This is pretty cool.

32:14.066 –> 32:15.294
Yep, no worries.

32:15.674 –> 32:16.234
Thank you.

32:16.274 –> 32:16.934
All right.

32:17.554 –> 32:19.214
Yep, you too. Thank you.

32:20.594 –> 32:24.134
303 ending in 935. I think it’s Petra.

32:24.914 –> 32:39.874
I want to jump in here really quick and just remind everyone the question of the day, which is, what do you wish your screener would do that it doesn’t currently do? For those of you who maybe weren’t here for the announcements at the beginning and you can be creative, so go ahead.

32:41.454 –> 32:44.390
Well, hi. Yes, it is Petra. How are you guys? I know you.

32:44.422 –> 32:46.038
Good, good, thank you. How are you, Petra?

32:46.126 –> 34:17.584
Your help is really so appreciated you fantastic. I had a couple of comments. One is that there’s a wonderful app that I got years ago called digitize and that is old. One thing it does do is read barcodes and it’s pretty good. And yes, I agree with Pam. I find most of my barcodes on their side with the steam just to the left of the seam at the bottom of the can. But now I know to turn the can over and try the other side if I don’t find it there. The other tip that they told me is that if you go shopping with anyone, when you’re shopping, if you take a roll of clear scotch tape, they can put tape over where the barcode is and the barcode readers can read through the clear tape. And that gives you a marker on the can of the package to know where the barcode is when you’re home and alone. The other tip that I have is. I don’t know how I’m sure you guys know, but maybe other callers don’t. There’s a free app that’s put out by the US treasury department called inote. And inote identifies us currency and will tell you whether you’re looking at the front or the back, which for me doesn’t matter, but all my sighted friends want the money facing front. That app will actually tell you what it is and whether you’ve got it front or back. And I really don’t know what I want my screen reader to do because I’m not sophisticated enough to figure it out. I have trouble with what it does already.

34:19.454 –> 34:25.794
Well, I’m sure you’ll come up with something at some point. Okay, thank you very much, Petra.

34:29.694 –> 34:40.886
All right, area code 951 ending in 288. Can you tell us who you are. Please. Yeah. Hello? Can you hear me?

34:41.030 –> 34:42.114
We can hear you.

34:42.494 –> 35:05.104
Okay. It’s Evelyn. I got a couple push. Fine. I got a couple questions about the blind shell. Okay. When you do a full backup, do you have to go to restore data before you restart the phone?

35:05.644 –> 35:28.844
No. So when you do a full backup, when it tells you that the task is completed, then your phone is backed up, you can go and restart your phone. You go to restore data after you reset your phone, or if you get a new phone and that will take the latest backup and put it back on your phone like you hadn’t reset it. Does that make sense?

35:30.704 –> 35:37.924
Yeah. Okay. If you have. If you already have it, like on an SD card or flash drive, you mean.

35:38.024 –> 35:42.904
Yep. When you do a backup, it’s going to copy that backup to the SD card or to a flash drive.

35:43.524 –> 35:52.504
Okay. Okay. And another question. What is the difference between the factory reset? And. That’s the system one.

35:52.844 –> 36:22.224
So the factory reset resets the blind shell to what it was like with the latest software update and none of your personal data. The system reinstall it. You have to. It’s typically used for service individuals. And what you have to do is get a file from blind shell and then reinstall the operating system. I don’t know that that file is available publicly. So what I’d recommend doing is just doing the factory reset.

36:24.844 –> 36:26.984
Okay. All right.

36:27.364 –> 36:27.820

36:27.892 –> 36:28.212

36:28.268 –> 36:29.852
Have a beautiful day. Who do we got next?

36:29.908 –> 36:37.234
You too, Nolan. Hello, everyone.

36:38.214 –> 36:39.714
How are you guys doing?

36:41.694 –> 36:42.870
Great. Yourself?

36:43.062 –> 36:44.142
Good, thank you.

36:44.238 –> 36:44.994

36:48.014 –> 38:10.634
I have experienced a not so good behavior in ILS 17.4.1 today. And just a heads up. This may involve reaching out to Apple accessibility and your local talking book library because there is an issue now with the NLS Braille ereader not displaying the information correctly on from what voiceover is reading in what you’re trying to read, what voiceover has outputted out on the braille display. I have attempted to do a restart of the iPhone and also attempted to do a reboot of the NLS braille ereader human wear braille display. That seems to solve the problem. And if it continues again, this is where both Apple accessibility and the Berlin talking book library is going to have to come into play again.

38:11.294 –> 38:27.750
Just so appreciate you letting us know about that, Nolan. And you’re right, it sounds like you have a plan. If it does come back up, I would definitely reach out to your local, local library and they can help you with some tech support and let you know if you need to reach out to Apple accessibility as well. So thanks a lot for that.

38:27.942 –> 38:33.674
You’re welcome. I just thought I would let everybody know if you see that issue, be aware.

38:34.254 –> 38:43.594
All right, thanks a lot. Who do we got next? Marty, I mean, Sheila. Hey, Lisa.

38:43.894 –> 38:45.234
Hey, Lisa. How are you?

38:46.204 –> 39:04.276
I’m well, thank you. My eyeballs loved them. I’m like, who’s that? I have a question. On my phone, I have downloads. You know, I download stuff, and I have stuff for my taxes, and I don’t know how to access it. Can you please help me?

39:04.300 –> 39:04.436

39:04.460 –> 39:08.904
I access downloads on an iPhone 15 Pro.

39:09.364 –> 39:14.424
Where are you? So was this an email, or how did you get the original documentation?

39:15.394 –> 39:27.614
I know I’d be on a website or something and something to that effect. And it says download. So I download it, but I can’t find it. And I have downloads saved to my cloud, to the iCloud.

39:28.474 –> 39:28.834

39:28.874 –> 39:46.134
So my downloads do get. I did find that out when I went to settings and I went to. I went to downloads and it says it’s saving it to my iCloud, but I don’t know how to access, access it. It, you know, the downloads.

39:46.554 –> 39:49.414
What version of phone do you have, just out of curiosity.

39:51.154 –> 39:53.214
Iphone 15 Pro.

39:54.234 –> 40:15.324
There’s actually an app which a lot of people don’t know about, which is a stock app that comes on your phone called files, and people don’t really know about it. But it’s like a file explorer, basically. Yeah. Is there a downloads folder in there that it puts those attachments into that downloads folder? You know what, and that would also sync with your cloud, by the way.

40:16.864 –> 40:41.540
Oh, okay. I didn’t think. Hold on. I’m just trying to see if I can. Something. This is old. No, this is not related. Something says downloads, but it says error coming up with error.

40:41.692 –> 41:01.786
So I’m not sure exactly what’s going on. Where I would go in this, though, is if you go to your files app, which it sounds like you’re there in the bottom right hand corner, there should be a button that says browse. If you don’t find browse in the bottom right hand corner, then there should be a back button in the top left hand corner. If you go back to do the browser.

41:01.786 –> 41:02.704
Yep. Yeah, we didn’t browse.

41:02.744 –> 41:03.024
And then.

41:03.064 –> 41:04.912
Oh, go ahead. I’m sorry.

41:04.968 –> 41:34.724
So if you tap on browse, then that brings you to a list of all of your locations. There’s iCloud drive and on my iPhone, and mine has Dropbox, too, because I have Dropbox setup. So where I would go if I were you is I would tap on. On my iPhone and see if the downloads you’re looking for are there. If they’re not, then I would go to the back button in the top left hand corner, tap on iCloud drive, and then tap on downloads and see if the downloads are there.

41:36.304 –> 41:45.552
Icloud doesn’t show up. A download comes up. But I have to see, you know, how I have to go through them to see if the most recent one is in there.

41:45.648 –> 41:50.924
So that’s where I would start looking. So go ahead and take a look there and let us know if you have any other questions.

41:51.264 –> 41:57.240
You know, I so appreciate that something so simple is to go to files and then go to downloads. Thank you so much.

41:57.392 –> 41:57.960
No worries.

41:58.032 –> 42:00.924
No problem. Good luck to you.

42:01.824 –> 42:03.044
Thank you. You too.

42:03.584 –> 42:05.416
All right. Diane Desharm.

42:05.600 –> 42:06.724
Hey, Diane.

42:08.784 –> 42:10.672
Hey, guys. How are you?

42:10.768 –> 42:11.964
Good. How are you?

42:13.064 –> 42:43.764
Good. So I have a zoom question, and I was using my iPhone to schedule a zoom meeting because I have all the contacts in there. So I’m at the point where I’m inviting to attendees and going. As soon as I put one in and I try to put somebody else in, it deletes the first one. So what am I doing wrong? How do you put multiple attendees to one zoom meeting?

42:45.424 –> 42:54.444
So I will need to play with zoom on the iPhone. Let me ask you, when you’re done adding a contact, what do you do?

42:58.614 –> 43:05.314
I’ve tried multiple things. Well, first of all, there’s no semicolon, but there’s no semicolon symbol.

43:06.094 –> 43:07.034
There is.

43:07.894 –> 43:09.374
Anywhere there is.

43:09.414 –> 43:15.714
You got to go into the. You have two options. Numbers and then symbols.

43:16.454 –> 43:23.018
I did. I went into symbols, and there wasn’t anything there. There was not a semicolon to be found.

43:23.206 –> 43:31.254
I’m going to look and see if I can find one, because I thought there was one, but now I’m second guessing myself, so I’m going to look and see if I can find one.

43:32.474 –> 43:46.574
So I tried spacing, I tried hitting return, and nothing was allowing me to put in a separate person. I had to send everybody a separate invite.

43:48.814 –> 44:44.454
Okay. So I was just doing a quick test with my zoom, and what I ended up doing is when I tapped on. So I’m in the meeting, I have the meeting topic, and then I have the start and the duration, all that fun stuff. And then you get to attendees, and it says none. If I double tap on attendees, it says search by name, and then I’m going to put in your name right here. So if I put. I type in Dia, and it finds you. Actually, it didn’t, because I don’t have your email address. Well, that’s interesting. So if I find someone’s name, and what I did is I tapped on it, and then that added them, and then do you see the other, like, other people’s names there? Or is the issue trying to add someone that’s names not there? Because I can just double tap on each of the names, and it changes from not selected to selected.

44:46.714 –> 45:35.144
So what I did was I got attendees thing, and then it said something like send by message or send by email. So I clicked on send by email, and then an email field pops up. Diander Sharm said, hey, and the two box. So I would put, like, the first person, his name is Josh. So I would j o s h. Okay, he would pop up. So tap on his name. The next person was Amy. A I m e e I. So I would start to try to put her in, and I couldn’t, because when I put her in, it deleted.

45:35.184 –> 45:48.544
Josh, try pressing enter before you put her in. So after you tap on Josh, hit enter on the bottom right hand corner underneath the delete button, and then try typing Amy and see if that lets you do it.

45:49.444 –> 45:55.424
Well, I thought I did try that, and it didn’t work, but I could try it all again.

45:56.084 –> 45:57.180
Yeah, I’ll play with zoom.

45:57.212 –> 45:59.532
I was just wondering if you guys had a magic.

45:59.708 –> 46:03.388
Nope, that’s. That would be my magic thing that I would try there.

46:03.436 –> 46:03.796

46:03.860 –> 46:20.544
I do have an answer to your semicolon issue, though. I did not actually find one on the keyboard itself. I still am perturbed by, like, why can’t we find a semicolon? But what I did do was I hit the dictate button. It said semicolon, and it stuck it in there. So you might want to try that.

46:22.444 –> 46:31.324
Okay. All right. That is worth a try. But it is strange that there’s none on the keyboard itself.

46:31.484 –> 46:35.504
Yeah, but it’s funny that you can say it and it will actually put it in there.

46:35.994 –> 46:36.774

46:37.474 –> 46:46.374
So try that. If you get to where you need to stick a semicolon there, hit the dictate button, say semicolon, and then end the dictate, and at least you’ll get the semicolon in there.

46:47.714 –> 46:50.106
Okay, I will give that a try.

46:50.250 –> 46:52.802
All right, thank you very much. Good luck.

46:52.978 –> 46:58.094
Thank you very sure. Thanks. All right, Belle. Juliana.

47:02.014 –> 47:02.694
Hey, Bill.

47:02.774 –> 47:03.474

47:03.774 –> 47:05.194
Hey, Bill. How are you?

47:05.814 –> 47:57.564
Okay, how do you record? Well, first of all, I better ask. I mean, answer the question. I would love for my screen reader to conveniently read PDF files. You just can’t believe what I go through when I get PDF files. I guess they’re scanned in or something. I don’t know what the problem is, but, boy, I mean, some of them I cannot read no matter what I do unless I go to my iPhone and I can kind of read them that way. I mean, it’s. It’s kind of hard for me to do, but anyway, that’s the thing I would love to have. So then how do you record on the iPhone?

47:58.824 –> 47:59.964
Just audio?

48:00.424 –> 48:10.844
Yeah, but I mean, yeah, but I mean, yeah. Say I’m listening to something or, you know, can I record? How do you do that?

48:11.344 –> 48:26.100
You would use the voice memos app and then you can record, you know, if you’re somewhere and you want to record something or if you want to talk into it and record your voice. That’s how you would do it. Okay.

48:26.172 –> 48:27.836
What about something really long?

48:27.980 –> 48:52.790
Like, well, you could. You could literally, like, say, like, there’s something you wanted to record. You can hit the record button and just put your phone down and let it start listening and it’ll record whatever it is you wanted to, whatever’s in the room, whatever audio or anything like that, or your own voice. The only thing I would say is you’re going to have to be careful that you don’t fill up your hard drive on your phone.

48:52.982 –> 48:54.714
Where is the record button?

48:55.374 –> 49:04.474
Once you open up voice memos, it’s going to be right there. When you open up the voice memos, you can hit the record button and it will start recording.

49:04.814 –> 49:06.302
Okay, thanks.

49:06.478 –> 49:07.554
Yeah, no problem.

49:10.334 –> 49:49.434
All right, we’re getting close to ten minutes. Lady A is after us, so you’ve got seven hands. Okay, so area code 970 ending in 874. Please tell us who you are. Hi, this is Katherine. I asked this question before. My dialogue advisory board has changed to teams instead of zoom. And so is there a way to get a list of phone numbers of instead of. Because I can’t access it on the blind shell teams.

49:50.694 –> 49:57.474
It would have to come from whoever is making the invitation for the teams meeting.

49:59.654 –> 50:02.934
Oh, for the phone numbers? Yeah, they’d have to provide it.

50:02.974 –> 50:26.494
Like whenever you get a zoom. You know, when you get a Zoom email and they give you the links to get in, but they also give you phone numbers to call as well. That comes from whoever created the event. So whoever’s creating the event needs to send all the links to be able to log in as well as phone numbers. If someone chooses to call in instead of use a device with the link. Either the computer or the device with a link.

50:26.654 –> 50:53.204
Oh, okay. I’ll ask them then. And then my other quick question is, can I get instructions on how to back up my blind shell phone? Because I’m having. I’m going to have to switch to a new blind shell phone because my wiring got baptized about ten months ago while I was in the orthopedic hospital, so it’s failing.

50:53.584 –> 50:56.044
Are you subscribed to the shell phone show?

50:56.824 –> 50:57.760
Yes, I am.

50:57.872 –> 51:05.204
If you go back and look at some of the previous episodes, I believe it was September or October. I walked you through how to back up your blind shell. Classic two.

51:06.064 –> 51:15.856
Oh, wonderful. Okay. Thank you, Michael. Do I need to provide the Ima. I can never say that.

51:15.880 –> 51:16.352

51:16.488 –> 51:20.272
An acronym for the number. Do I need to provide that?

51:20.448 –> 51:26.804
I recommend providing that to your cell phone carrier, but need to is probably a strong term.

51:28.704 –> 51:32.164
Oh, so I don’t need to, but I.

51:32.674 –> 51:34.734
Yes, you don’t need to, but you should.

51:35.474 –> 51:38.650
Oh, okay. I will do that then. Thank you so much for your help.

51:38.762 –> 51:39.562
Thanks, Katherine.

51:39.618 –> 51:42.954
I’ll check that out. Scott.

51:43.114 –> 51:43.866
Hey, Scott.

51:43.970 –> 51:44.786
Hey, Scott.

51:44.930 –> 52:21.374
Okay, the semicolon can be found, at least this is how I found it by going into the notes app and is if I were going to create a new note so I could bring up a text field. If you look, if you. On the lower left corner, and you’ve got. You’ve got the. Where it says letter, you know, choose letters, numbers, and so forth. If you choose numbers, the semicolon is immediately below the number four. If you go, like, start at the number row, the semicolon is immediately four under, just to the right of the colon.

52:22.034 –> 52:26.650
Yep. And I think that placement might be slightly different when it’s showing the email.

52:26.722 –> 52:30.460
Keyboard, which zoom is showing, you know, see, that’s okay.

52:30.572 –> 52:31.004

52:31.084 –> 52:32.068
But thank you, Scott.

52:32.196 –> 52:43.504
That’s pretty unfortunate. That’s kind of unfortunate, if you ask me, but, yeah, you know, like, they set up. The different keyboard layout is a little different for each. For each app. You know, that’s kind of.

52:43.884 –> 52:51.764
I did pull up a text message to open up for typing and did what you just said, and the semicolon is there, so that’s cool.

52:51.804 –> 52:53.932
Yeah. Thank you, Scott. Appreciate it.

52:54.028 –> 52:55.700
Thought I’d offer that. All right, thanks.

52:55.772 –> 52:57.184
Thanks, Scott. Appreciate it.

52:58.204 –> 53:01.024
Area code 502, ending in 382.

53:06.644 –> 53:08.444
I think that’s a Kentucky area code.

53:08.524 –> 53:32.420
Thank you. This is Terry Turlau, and I have a question about the blind shell phone. When I looked at it about six months ago, deleting an email required four or five steps. And I wonder if the email app has been worked on since then, or is that process still. I found it quite cumbersome. Thank you.

53:32.532 –> 53:34.624
That process has not changed.

53:35.724 –> 53:46.624
Do you use the second half of your email address? Is it a Gmail account or an outlookoutlookmail? What is the second half of your email?

53:47.164 –> 53:48.692
Mine is a Gmail.

53:48.868 –> 53:53.172
So do you use a computer also, by chance?

53:53.348 –> 54:07.544
Well, oh, yeah, no, this was, I was trying to help someone learn to do email with the blind shell, and we gave up because it was just too complicated to do all the five steps from her. So I was just hoping there was a simpler way.

54:07.704 –> 54:10.848
It has not changed at this time. Terry, great question. Thanks a lot.

54:10.976 –> 54:11.656
Thank you.

54:11.760 –> 54:12.444

54:13.144 –> 54:14.976
All right, Ann. Hey, Ann.

54:15.040 –> 54:15.844
Hey, Ann.

54:20.504 –> 54:22.462
You’Ve got about three minutes. Can you hear me?

54:22.568 –> 54:23.642
Yep, we can hear you.

54:23.738 –> 54:39.494
Okay. Um, in mess in messages, um, text messages. When you’re in a thread and you want to delete a message but not the whole thread, how do you do it?

54:43.394 –> 54:50.494
Hmm. I’d have to figure that out. I’m not sure I ever even tried to do that. I’d have to figure that out and try and get back to you. Unless, Michael, do you know?

54:51.164 –> 55:04.948
So, yes. If you highlight a message and then flick up to more and double tap, this will select that message and put you in a multi select window where you can go through.

55:05.076 –> 55:11.940
Wait a minute. You go, you open messages to the one that you want to delete?

55:12.052 –> 55:12.500

55:12.572 –> 55:15.468
Okay. And then you flick up to more.

55:15.636 –> 55:39.104
So you touch the message you want to delete. So you open the message thread, touch the message you want to delete, flick up to more, and double tap. This puts you in a screen with that message selected, and you can select more messages if you would like. But in the lower left hand corner is a delete button. Double tap that and that’ll delete all of the selected messages that you’ve selected.

55:40.684 –> 55:46.068
Even if you just want to delete one, it will just delete what? Won’t delete the entire thread?

55:46.116 –> 55:48.384
Nope. It’ll just delete that one that selected.

55:48.734 –> 55:50.822
Oh, okay. I’ll try it.

55:50.918 –> 55:56.478
Perfect. Thanks a lot. And with that, I think we need to wrap it up. So, Marty, you want to go ahead and.

55:56.646 –> 56:25.154
Yep. We have a hard deadline today because we have something right after us. So we want to thank everyone for being here, as usual. We’ll be back next week, same time. And if you have any questions, comments, or anything like that, you can email us at feedback unmute show. And if you want to check out what we’re doing and everything else going on. You can check out our website at Unmute show. And everyone have a great week, and we’ll see you next time. Our channel.