Unmute Presents State of the Union – EP2

Show Notes:

  1. Introduction: Discussion on recent happenings with our shows, iACast and Unmute.
  2. New Shows: Announcement of new shows including a travel show, VO Starter Weekly, and a reboot of iCast, focused on Apple and iOS.
  3. Friday Finds: Recognition of Lynn’s contributions to Friday Finds.
  4. New Websites & Emails: Introduction of new contact channels and support options for listeners.
  5. Technically Working: Recap of a recent episode and tease of a surprise announcement.
  6. Video-Based Show: Announcement of a new video-based social media show for the IACast YouTube channel.
  7. IACAST Radio: Introduction of 24/7 radio station, available at iacast.net or via the iAccessibility iOS app. Android app coming soon.
  8. IA Cast Live Stream: Now accessible on the Blindshell Classic.
  9. Subscription Details: Information for existing subscribers about accessing different shows. Introduction of the iCast Network feed.
  10. Discovery: Encouragement to discover other shows on the network and comparison to Nosilla Cast.
  11. iAccessibility App: Promoting the recently updated app for iOS, iPad, and Mac users with an Android update on the horizon.
  12. Upcoming Content: Teaser for future content on the network.
  13. Listener Engagement: Promotion of Mastodon and email for listener feedback and questions, including individual show hashtags.
  14. Conclusion: Gratitude for listeners and promise of continued updates and announcements.

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Read transcript


00:02.650 –> 00:09.674
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to another State of the Union. And with me today I have Michael Doyce. Say hello, Michael.

00:09.802 –> 00:10.720
Hi everyone.

00:11.250 –> 00:13.678
And we also have Michael Babcock with us.

00:13.844 –> 00:14.880
Good morning.

00:15.810 –> 00:30.086
Good morning. So we’re here to talk about the months behind the scenes, the goings ons with Iacast and unmute. So, Michael Deutsche, where do you want to start this off?

00:30.268 –> 00:44.602
Okay, so it’s been a very eventful month. Hasn’t mean we’ve definitely a lot in the oh, where do we start? There’s so many and well, we got some new shows.

00:44.656 –> 00:46.060
Let’s talk about the new shows.

00:46.590 –> 00:55.950
I want to get to my favorite last. So, Marty, why don’t you tell people about the new travel show because I think that’s very exciting.

00:56.850 –> 01:47.040
Yeah, so last month we had the first episode of the travel show with Katie and Lynn and they talked all about cruises and it was really great. They went really in depth and gave a lot of knowledge on all the different kind of cruises that are out there and which ones you would want to go on depending on your preference, whether you have kids or whether it’s singles or on and on. It was a really great episode with tons of information, so I would definitely check that out. They also hit a little bit on some of the technology that’s used in the cruising world, both on the cruise line side of things as well as the people who are attending all of the cruises and how to keep up to date and stay aware and all of those things. So it was really great. So go check that.

01:49.570 –> 02:46.450
And we also started a new show. It’s already wrapped up for season one, vo Starter Weekly. That’s based on the voiceover training app that I made and I believe there’s four or five episodes in the first season and the next season actually starts Wednesday. So that’s pretty exciting. And that will be the next section of the app. More about navigating the app. So that’s pretty exciting. We have so many different shows and I think the last one is a reboot that we’re doing and it’s called the Me. It was Marty Alicia, who is a new host on the network and myself talking about everything, Apple and iOS. And we talked about upgrading the best times to upgrade your iPhone and I think that was a great episode. What were your thoughts, Marty?

02:47.670 –> 03:53.094
Yeah, I thought it was really great. It was a fun first episode. Kind of refreshing the brand and letting people know what we’re doing and when we’re doing, you know, new phones are, you know, we talked about that a little bit and I think we have some really cool things that are going to be coming in the future and I’m super excited about it. I think it’ll be a really great show for sure. And I guess I’ll give everybody a know. Lynn is doing Friday Finds and that’s going really well. People are really enjoying that show. She does a great job with it. And it’s all about some tech stories, but not the ones you’re always going to hear. They’re a little bit off the beaten path and she kind of puts her spin on it and it’s a fun, quick show, about 20 minutes or so, so I would check that out. It’s a really good show and it’s doing well, so definitely take the time to go check that out. And the way you find that show is look for Friday Finds with Lynn in any of your podcast applications or.

03:53.132 –> 03:57.438
Go to Fridayfinds show. That’s what I was going to mention. So thanks for bringing that up, Marty.

03:57.474 –> 03:57.914

03:58.032 –> 04:29.330
Yeah, we have all new websites for a lot of our shows and it’s very exciting. Friday Finds has a new website. We have websites for unmute. They have a new website. We have all new emails. So we’ve been working behind the scenes on the infrastructure of the network. It’s been fantastic. And is there anything new on the unmute or technically working side that I haven’t thought about Michael or Marty?

04:29.990 –> 05:12.800
The only thing I want to mention is@iacast.net Slash plus you can go there and find tip jars for most of the shows that are available. So if you want to support the hosts on your favorite show, that’s an option for you, technically working. We just had a great episode that published today where Damasi, myself, Sean Priest, and Jeff Bishop sat down and talked about our different settings for both Windows and Mac that we set the first time we set up our computer. So if you haven’t heard that, I have a biased opinion, but I highly recommend you checking it out. It was a fun episode, very good episode. Well worth it, I think. And Marty, any other things coming out on Unmute that you want to mention?

05:14.290 –> 05:40.406
We do have surprise that’s going to be coming. I can’t mention it now, but I would definitely stay tuned. It’s going to be something special, so we will reveal that probably in the next week or so, is what I’m thinking. So stay tuned for that and we’ll definitely also be back here to make you aware of that announcement. But, yeah, stay tuned. We got some cool things coming to Unmute, some new stuff, so stay tuned for that and it’ll be exciting.

05:40.518 –> 06:39.194
Yeah, and I also want to tease our audience with this a little bit. We don’t have a full name for it, but we are working on a video based social media show and it will be on the Iacast YouTube. I had to think about that. We have ICAST iacast I accessibility, all of the things. It will be on the Iacast YouTube and it will have its own podcast feed and be in the main network feed, which I want to talk about that network feed in just a minute, but it will be a podcast all about social media and how people interact with social media, news about new social media networks and how things are changing in that landscape. So I’m really excited about that show. So we’re getting that all ready to go. We don’t even have a name for it yet, so stay tuned for that.

06:39.232 –> 07:11.414
But it’s very exciting and we should remind everyone how to listen to the different options that you can listen. So if you want to just get everything, all the shows, you can subscribe in any podcast application to the Iacast network feed and you’re just going to get everything that gets put out all across the board for all the shows. So if that’s what you want, you have that option. You also can listen on the radio. And Michael D, do you want to talk about how that works?

07:11.532 –> 08:43.460
Right. So we have our radio station. It’s called Iacast radio. Huge fan. I even listen to it, folks, when technically Working was being recorded this weekend. I could go to Clubhouse, I could go to Know. Michael and Damasi are recording it, but they also put it on. That’s my that’s my platform of choice. And you can get to Iacastradio from a few places. You can get to it from Iacast net Listen or the Iaccessibility iOS app. Don’t worry, android folks. A version is coming for Android. So that is on the way. And it’s 24 hours a day of nothing but people talking about technology. And we’re working on a few things to improve that as well. So stay tuned for that. We’re working on some cool ways to add some personality to the radio station, and I’m really excited about that. So keep that in mind and just check it out. And if you just need something on during the workday for noise, that’s what it’s there for. And maybe you missed something. Maybe you heard the episode once. Just having it on in the background is fantastic. And Michael is amazing and did a little thing for us. And you want to talk about where the radio station is now, where it didn’t used to be.

08:44.150 –> 08:45.234
I don’t know what I did.

08:45.272 –> 08:46.850
He’s putting me on the spot.

08:48.710 –> 08:50.420
It’s it’s on a certain.

08:55.370 –> 08:56.002

08:56.066 –> 08:58.150
See what happens when you get caught off guard?

09:00.010 –> 09:39.510
So now you can get the Iacast live stream in the blind Shell classic too. So if you go to the applications, choose Media and then choose Internet Radio. If you do a search, all you have to search for is IA. That’s all you have to search for. Hit. OK. And it’s the first result that comes up. And once you’ve done that, you can add it to your favorite or listen to it 24/7. I’ve been listening to it on the blind shell recently, mainly to test it, to make sure that people can listen to it for long periods of time. And I like the content. There biased opinion. So just go to the blind shell. Classic two. Get on your Internet radio, type in IA in the search and add it to your favorites.

09:40.330 –> 11:01.550
And I’ll bring up Unmute just to reclarify so everybody understands. If you’re already subscribed to the Unmute presents, then you don’t have to do anything. It’s still going to be the Tuesday morning call once we go off the air. That’s going to come out probably within a couple of hours or so is the podcast and you can find that that’ll still be in the same place. You can also find all the Thursday shows that we do. Those will all still be right there. You won’t have to do anything else as well as a Sunday show where we teach you something. The only major difference is some of the shows are not going to be in that feed. So, for example, Friday Fines has its own feed now. So you’ll want to go find Friday finds either on its own feed or you can go to the Iecast network feed and that’s going to have everything that goes out and that’s going to include the single shows. It’s going to include everything from Unmute, which is the call on Tuesday, all the Thursday shows, the Sunday shows, and then of course, everything else that comes out on Iacast network. So just to know if you’re already subscribed to Unmute, you don’t have to do a thing. If you want to go back and subscribe to that or any of the single shows or if you just want everything, then it’s going to be on the ICAST network feed.

11:02.210 –> 12:07.000
Yes. And one thing you may also want to check out if you’re one of our listeners is if you subscribe to any of our shows or many of our shows, I will say that we still need to figure out how to make this work for certain ones. If you’re in the Apple Podcast app, you can find the Iacast Network channel and with that you can discover other shows that are on the network. So that’s really exciting to be able to find loads of different shows that are on the network and things like that. Channels are a very interesting thing in podcasts. So one of my other favorite podcasts, the Nosilla Cast and Allison Sheridan has a podcast channel and so she has all of her podcasts where you could find them through there. So you could do the same with many of the and you know, it’s it’s an easy way if you’re using the Apple Podcast app to see here’s all of the possibilities that are out there for Iacast in the so.

12:09.050 –> 12:16.358
So, Michael D, how about the actual app? Do you want to talk about the app and what’s going on with that, how people can find that?

12:16.444 –> 13:26.400
So if you are on iOS or the iPad or the Mac, you could download the recently updated Iaccessibility app. And it’s an app that has blog posts and all of our podcast episodes. It has our live stream for the radio and it has all of our content throughout all of our episodes. And we will be working on getting the Android version of that updated very soon as well. So it’s pretty exciting that you might get always enable notifications. You may get some surprise tidbits in there and something that we haven’t even talked about is we could even share like little tech tips in there. I think that would be kind of neat, a neat Iacast tech tip to help people use their devices. So I think that might be kind of fun. So if you want that coolness, download the app, install it, enable notifications, and always be informed. We will be posting when we go live to the radio station and things like that in the app. So I hope you guys all out there take advantage of that.

13:28.530 –> 13:35.940
Definitely. And with that being said, do we have anything else, Michael D that we need to cover that you can think of?

13:37.510 –> 14:33.666
Those are the highlights, I think, from the previous month. We’re going to have a lot of new content coming out on the network very soon, so stay tuned for that. The Iacast network is going to be an ever evolving thing and so we want you guys to get the best content out there. And it’s not just because we are trying to talk at you. We’re trying to talk to you and we want you guys to talk to you know we are a big supporter on this network of mastodon. And to that end, we have ancast hashtag that can be used for the podcast or network questions in general. And each show has their own hashtag. So this weekend, the hashtag Technically Working on Mastodon got quite a few chat messages, didn’t it?

14:33.688 –> 14:36.580
Michael it did, yeah.

14:37.430 –> 15:20.370
So it’s know, utilize the know, utilize our social media platforms and come talk to us on Mastodon and let us know what your thoughts are. I know things can get busy during a podcast, but I do try to acknowledge our email so you can email feedback@iacast.net. There’s feedback at Unmute show. I had to think because y’all use Unmute Community for Mastodon. I’m like, which one? And Lynn has feedback at Fridayfinds show. There’s so many different there’s emails for pretty much any show. And do you guys have one that you want to share for Technically working?

15:20.520 –> 15:23.474
Michael no, but people can get that.

15:23.512 –> 15:44.540
On the show if they’re interested in it because it’s a different domain. And I don’t want to confuse people, but honestly, if you send feedback to any of the feedback email addresses that you know a host is on, so you don’t have to remember, and you just say the name of the show. It’s not like we don’t talk to each other. It’s a small knit group and we definitely share the feedback internally and often externally, too.

15:45.550 –> 15:46.300

15:47.070 –> 16:44.160
Well, it was really interesting because we had a request about feedback about password managers, and we talked briefly about that on the Saturday’s Iacast. So keep it coming. We love feedback and it’s great stuff. So there was one thing I’m trying to remember that I wanted to mention for sure. Send us email, send us messages on Mastodon. Also, if you are a Mastodon user or you’re undecided and you want to come over to Mastodon, the Iaccessibility is kind of the Iacast came from the Iaccessibility report and Iaccessibility website. So we do have a mastodon server at Iaccessibility Social. If you like the network and things like that, you could come join Iaccessibility Social as your place to have your Mastodon account. So it’s a great place to come and talk about anything tech. So just wanted to throw that out there as well.

16:46.210 –> 17:13.480
Sounds good, I would say. Looks like that’s about all for this week. So thanks everyone, for listening in. We appreciate it. And this is kind of where we’ll be giving everyone updates on what’s going on behind the scenes on the network and everything else, special announcements or whatever our other stuff we have going on. So thanks for listening, we appreciate it and we’ll see you guys next month, next time.