SafetyCast 10 Do You Consent

Show Description

In the last few months there has been a movement in the blindness community to bring sexual abuse and harassment to light and take steps to put an end to it. On this episode, Leslie, George and Meaghan welcome Laura Millar, a researcher and teacher of sexual health for people with disabilities, and Bobbi Pompey, a living skills instructor at the Lighthouse for the Blind in San Fransisco, to discuss consent and boundaries, not only in relationships but in our everyday interactions as well.
If you have been a victim of sexual assault or would like more information, visit RAINN or call 1-800-656-HOPE. To find more information on this movement in the blindness community, search for #marchingtogether on Facebook or visit the Blind Survivors Support Collective on Facebook. The support collective can also be contacted by email at You can also find more information on the Marching Together movement and the NFB’s Safety and Support task force on their website. To get more information the “Navigating Consent” classes for survivors and transgressors, check out the Navigating Consent website.

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