Spanish With Karla: Foods and beverages

In this episode, we begin by expressing gratitude to the listeners who are part of our Facebook group “Spanish with Carla.” We encourage them to join and interact with others who are learning Spanish. We also mention our Facebook page and website where they can find all the podcasts and notes. Moving on to the main topic of the episode, we discuss food and drink in Spanish. We start by teaching the listeners how to say food and beverage. Food is “comida” and can be made plural by adding an “s.” Beverages can be referred to as “bebidas” in general or “bebida” when specifically referring to alcoholic drinks. We clarify that while “beverage” in English can be translated as “bebida,” it doesn’t cover the same range of drinks in Spanish. We mention that in Spanish-speaking countries, it is common to say “vamos por una cerveza” (let’s go and have a beer) rather than specifying the type of drink. We then explain how to say meat in Spanish, which is “carne.” We mention that it is a feminine word that can be used to refer to different types of meat. In Latin American countries, the deli department where you can buy cold meats is called “carnes frias.” We discuss the word “pollo” which means chicken and has a masculine gender. We also mention comfort food and ask listeners to share their comfort food in the Facebook group. Lastly, we introduce the word “pescado” which means fish. We explain that when the fish is out of the water, it’s called “pescado” and is always masculine. When the fish is still in the water, it’s called “pez.” We discuss the difference between “pez” and “pescado” and the plural forms for both words. Next, we explain the importance of using specific terms when purchasing certain types of meat, such as beef and pork. We emphasize that when buying beef, it is referred to as “carne de res” and when buying pork, it is referred to as “carne de puerco.” We caution against using the generic terms “res” and “puerco” to avoid confusion. Moving on to breakfast items, we introduce the word for eggs, which is “huevo.” We mention that the “h” is silent and explain the different forms of the word depending on context. We discuss the gender of meat terms in Spanish, emphasizing that “carne” is feminine and can be combined with “res” to become “la carne de res.” We also mention that “res” can be considered feminine in some contexts, such as referring to cows. For pork, we explain that if you use it without the word “carne,” it is masculine and referred to as “el puerco.” We introduce the word for cheese, which is “queso,” and discuss its masculine gender and different forms. Moving on to drinks, we teach the words for milk, juice, coffee, and soda, along with their gender and plural forms. We also discuss hot cocoa, tea, beer, and wine, and provide different phrases and expressions related to ordering drinks in a restaurant. We end the episode by expressing gratitude for the listeners’ participation and their commitment to learning Spanish.