iA UnboxCast 22 – BrailleSense Polaris

On this episode of the iA UnboxCast, Meaghan, Allison, Aleeha, and Jason unbox the BrailleSense Polaris from HIMS Inc. Meaghan also goes through a portion of the tutorial that is presented as part of the setup process, as well as items you’ll find in the device’s menus. As always, if you have any feedback, we’d love to hear from you. You can send an email to feedback@iaccessibility.net, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and all around the web. Also, you can check us out on YouTube, and for all things iACast, you can head over to our iACast page. If you like what we do and would like to support us, you can do so via our Paypal and Patreon pages.

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