Unmute Presents Jaws Tips: Finding And Correcting Spelling Errors

Today, Marci demonstrates how to utilize JAWS for identifying and correcting spelling errors in documents. She showcases the process of navigating through misspelled words using JAWS, correcting errors accurately by listening to the correct spelling, and emphasizing the efficiency it brings to spell-checking tasks. By leveraging features like spelling error identification and confirmation, users can enhance productivity and ensure the accuracy of their written content with JAWS.

Read transcript


00:02.640 –> 00:06.874
Here’s Marcy with today’s jaws tip. Unmute, be heard.

00:09.974 –> 00:19.514
Hello, I am Marcie with another jaws tip for you. I’m going to teach you how to use jaws to correct your spelling errors.

00:20.254 –> 00:21.510
Document one word.

00:21.582 –> 00:27.806
Here’s my document. I will read it for you and let you know how many lovely words I misspelled.

00:27.990 –> 00:29.846
So I’m at top yesterday and I’m.

00:29.870 –> 00:32.794
Gonna use the jaws say all command.

00:33.094 –> 00:41.182
Yesterday I had an accident and had to go to the hospital. This was a serious one. I could not talk, I could not walk, I could not eat or d r n k gl e. This was just a dream.

00:41.358 –> 00:49.750
So there’s my document. Now, to bring up the list of spelling errors, we use the command alt plus shift plus l. So alt shift.

00:49.822 –> 00:56.198
L spelling errors dialog list one list view accident one of nine. To move two items, use the arrow keys.

00:56.286 –> 01:06.630
So I see that I have nine spelling errors in this document, and the first one is accident. Now, I can use my up and down arrows and go down through the list of spelling errors.

01:06.782 –> 01:14.310
Hospital saris three talk four, walk five eight six of nine. Dr. And K. Gld dream nine of nine.

01:14.422 –> 01:21.182
To see there are all my spelling errors. So let’s go back up to the top. Let’s use first letter navigation to get up to accident.

01:21.278 –> 01:28.530
Accident one of nine, and let’s press enter acid a c I d e n t edit.

01:28.682 –> 01:39.578
So we see that I spelled it with only one c. Let’s press the applications key. If your computer doesn’t have an applications key, we’ll press shift f ten group.

01:39.666 –> 01:42.854
Accident one of one. To move through items, press up or down arrow.

01:43.194 –> 01:49.418
And let’s spell this word and see if it’s really the one that I want. So we’ll do jaws key k twice.

01:49.466 –> 01:54.824
Quickly accident one of one. Axe accident one f one.

01:54.904 –> 01:59.640
And that is the one I want. So I’ll press enter and accept it, leaving menus.

01:59.712 –> 02:00.964
Web layout edit.

02:01.464 –> 02:04.764
So now I’ll press alt shift l again.

02:05.584 –> 02:10.040
Spelling errors dialog list one list view hospital one of eight. To move to items, use the arrow.

02:10.072 –> 02:16.084
Keys so we see that hospital is misspelled. So let’s press enter hospital.

02:17.824 –> 02:18.468

02:18.576 –> 02:28.828
Oops, I spelled it with an o instead of with an a. Let’s press that applications key again. Again, if you don’t have an applications key, you’ll use shift f ten group.

02:28.916 –> 02:31.932
Hospital one of one. To move through items, press up or down arrow.

02:32.068 –> 02:37.436
And let’s spell that word with Jawski k twice quickly.

02:37.580 –> 02:40.708
Hospital one one.

02:40.836 –> 02:50.954
And hospital is exactly the way I want to spell Hospital, since it spelled it with an called leader. Called the l leader.

02:51.574 –> 02:54.190
Leaving menus web layout edit, and how.

02:54.222 –> 03:02.274
Nicely we get the little bell chiming that we have spelled hospital correctly. Let’s press alt shift l again.

03:03.014 –> 03:08.430
Spelling errors Dialog list one list view serious one of seven to move to items, use the arrow keys.

03:08.622 –> 03:12.278
So I misspelled the word serious. Let’s press enter here.

03:12.446 –> 03:18.470
Microsoft Word document to move to an item, press the arrow keys serious s e r I u s. Oops, I.

03:18.502 –> 03:19.590
Left out the o.

03:19.742 –> 03:37.566
Let’s press Applications group series one of five to move through items, press up or down arrow. Let’s spell this Word series one of five series hmm. Series one of five series two of five cserious two of five and that’s.

03:37.590 –> 03:39.374
The one we want. Let’s press enter.

03:39.494 –> 03:52.618
Leaving menus Web layout Edit now let’s press alt shift lift spelling errors dialog list one list view talk one of six to move to items, use the arrow keys. Let’s press enter talk T A U.

03:52.666 –> 03:56.106
L K edit let’s press applications or.

03:56.130 –> 03:59.962
Shift f ten group talk one of five to move through items, press up.

03:59.978 –> 04:01.994
Or down arrow let’s spell this word.

04:02.154 –> 04:05.306
Talk one of five leaving menus web.

04:05.330 –> 04:08.578
Layout edit let’s press alt shift l.

04:08.706 –> 05:37.904
Spelling errors dialog list one list view one of five to move to items, use the arrow keys enter walk w o l k edit applications group walk one of five to move through items, press up or down arrow welk one of five accept leaving menus web layout edit alt shift l spelling errors dialog list one list view eat one of four to move two items, use the arrow key and two E E T edit applications group eat one of five to move through items, press up or down arrow eat one of eat one of five enter leaving menus web layout edit alt shift l spelling errors dialog list one list view one of three to move to items D r and K D r n k edit applications group drink one of five to move through items, press up or down arrow enter leaving menus Web layout edit alt shift l spelling errors Dialog list one list view GLD one of two to move to items, use GLD GLD edit applications group gold one of five guild two of guild three of glad four of five end two leaving menus web layout edit alt shift l spelling errors Dialog list one list view Dream one of one to move to items, use the arrow enter Microsoft Word document to move to an item, press the arrow keys dream d R e e M oops.

05:37.944 –> 05:39.448
Should I spell it with an a?

05:39.576 –> 05:48.736
Let’s do applications group dream one of five to move through items, press up or download. Spell it drea meter one f five.

05:48.880 –> 05:52.224
And the m is a meter. The l is a leader and the m is a meter.

05:52.344 –> 05:54.712
Let’s press enter, leaving menus, web layout.

05:54.768 –> 05:58.680
Edit and let’s read the document top.

05:58.752 –> 06:06.444
Yesterday I had an accident and had to go to the hospital. This was a serious one. I could not talk, I could not walk, I could not eat or drink. Glad this was just a dream.

06:06.624 –> 06:35.784
And there is how you correct your spelling. With Jaws, you use alt, shift l. You’ll see your list of spelling errors. You can use first letter navigation to get to the error that you want to fix, press enter. Jaws will spell the misspelled word. Then you can press your applications key or shift f ten and your choices will be presented to you so that you can correct your spelling errors. Let jaws make you more productive.

06:42.564 –> 06:55.444
Thanks for listening to Jaws tips with Marcy. The music used in this production was brought to you by Andre Louis and his shorts collection unmute, be heard.